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Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 1) 269

I do, how about you?


"There are three major reasons why SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus, will never be eradicated."
About the American Council on Science and Health

The American Council on Science and Health is a pro-science consumer advocacy organization and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The Council was founded in 1978 by a group of scientists with a singular focus: to publicly support evidence-based science and medicine and to debunk junk science and exaggerated health scares.

ACSH was created to be the science alternative to “news” that is often little more than hype based on exaggerated findings. We help policymakers see past scaremongers and activist groups who have targeted GMOs, vaccines, conventional agriculture, nuclear power, natural gas, and “chemicals,” while peddling health scares and fad diets. We fight back against activists who have attacked the credibility of the overwhelming consensus of academic and private sector scientists who dispute their claims, undermining the integrity of the scientific enterprise.
You may be here because you have decided it's time to fight back. We agree. The Council’s primary aim is to inform the public and policymakers of good science while debunking the junk. We serve as trusted guides in a cultural landscape that too often provides confusing and contradictory information.
We are not a trade association. We do not represent any industry.

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 1) 269

"prevent" does not equal STOP. Just like the flu, covid is not going to disappear. My two points were 1. regardless of vaccinations it WILL continue to circulate.
and 2. because of #1 it means "covid passports" will never go away either and their use WILL expand past "I'm vaxxed." That is the antithesis of a free society.

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 1) 269

Bullshit - Do your own actual research from people like these - e.g scientists....

About the American Council on Science and Health

The American Council on Science and Health is a pro-science consumer advocacy organization and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The Council was founded in 1978 by a group of scientists with a singular focus: to publicly support evidence-based science and medicine and to debunk junk science and exaggerated health scares.

Our Mission

ACSH was created to be the science alternative to “news” that is often little more than hype based on exaggerated findings. We help policymakers see past scaremongers and activist groups who have targeted GMOs, vaccines, conventional agriculture, nuclear power, natural gas, and “chemicals,” while peddling health scares and fad diets. We fight back against activists who have attacked the credibility of the overwhelming consensus of academic and private sector scientists who dispute their claims, undermining the integrity of the scientific enterprise.

We are not a trade association. We do not represent any industry.


from the link -

"here are three major reasons why SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus, will never be eradicated.

Smallpox and rinderpest have been relegated to the dustbin of history. Thanks to vaccines and a massive, coordinated global effort, these two viruses have been wiped off the face of the Earth. Would it be possible to do the same with SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19?

Absolutely not. There are several reasons why.

Coronavirus can be present in asymptomatic carriers.
Coronavirus can infect many different kinds of animals.
There is no highly effective vaccine or antiviral treatment for coronavirus."

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 1) 269

While I agree it has been going on a long time, never before has gov tried to do the following -

1. Mandate that you take a vaccine which is STILL under emergency use authorization (go read the actual FDA letter - the pfizer vax is still under EUA and says so as it does not meet the data requirements normally needed for a vaccine approval)
2. Tie your ability to work for essentially the entire US population to said mandate.
3. Put in place infrastructure to force people to show papers to work or socialize.

As to your other comments there is a WORLD of difference between a local (health/food) requirement vs a national mandate for vaccine/work eligibility.

Covid, just like the FLU is NEVER going to be eradicated. The question is do you REALLY want to live in a world where your papers are demanded at every turn?
It's coming. Just like the scope creep on SSNs or drivers licenses which are now needed to open bank accounts etc. A Covid passport WILL scope creep well beyond "I'm vaxxed"

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 0) 269

First off, I'd bet you dollars to donuts Denmark will see a resurgence vaccinated or not. Why? It's a coronavirus, so just like the flu or cold it WILL keep mutating and coming back.

Second as to your "USA short term" freedom comment, can you name me ONE instance where the US govt has every willingly given back a "freedom"?
You can say it's short term, gov can say it's short term, but it AIN'T short term. Just like drivers licenses of social security numbers a "covid passport" will
see it's use expand WELL BEYOND it's stated initial use.

I foresee a world where the gov can flag said passport for numerous potential violations making said subject an "un-person." It's fine if you don't believe me,
all I ask - remember this and in 5-10 years see if I'm not right...

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 1) 269

I suggest you let people actually decide. Will there be stupid people? Yes. There always have been and always will be. I'd much prefer that scenario where people decide on their own than a govt mandate (and passport) which will inevitably expand into other "health" and societal causes.

I fully expect once the passport infrastructure is in place we will see expansions such as "use tobacco?" etc. I'd also expect things such as "unapproved" political views to make their way in at some point as well. Do you really want to live in a world where a perceived infraction can allow the government to take away your ability to work and socialize? You are naive if you think the list will stop at "covid vaccinated" once it's in place.

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 1, Interesting) 269

You can certainly try and minimize vaccinated people spreading covid by calling them "breakthrough" infections. Note I said the shots appear to minimize symptoms.

Question for you - do people who take flu shots still get the flu at some point? Have flu shots ever had ANY hope of eradicating the flu?
The answer to both is no.

Covid and covid shots we be essentially the same - they will help mitigate symptoms but pretty much EVERYONE vaxxed or not will get covid (probably repeatedly.) Most people simply cannot wrap their head around that idea.

As for my point about vaccine mandates, if the government KNOWS that covid will never be eradicated then mandatory vaccinations (which are now known to not stop transmission) are essentially going to become a ongoing/neverending requirement. This also means any sort of "passport" requirement to work or socialize will never go away. That is a power grab by definition.

  The ability to stop citizens from making a living will not stop with covid requirements once the infrastructure is in place and you are naive if you think it will.

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 0) 269

News flash - you are NOT going to "stop" covid. It is endemic with multiple animal reservoirs (deer,cats, dogs etc.)
The government lied (and continues to lie) about this fact. They lied because of the potential financial consequences and the fact that telling the truth would make people lose faith in the government's ability to "do something."

Other helpful tips for you - it is now a FACT that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can and do spread covid. Taken in concert with the animal reservoirs this means everyone will be exposed (and almost certainly catch) covid at some point.

The above implies that covid will NEVER go away. The government knows this, epidemiologists know this. So the question becomes do you want to live in a world where a health passport and masks are required to for the rest of your life or not? I predict the passports not only will not go away but additional requirements will be added to them - e.g. not covid related.

Comment Re:Billionaires are going to do whatever they want (Score 4, Insightful) 269

The big hole in your argument - if human nature is a power vacuum is filled by warlords then why wouldn't the warlord types simply gravitate to government jobs?
Hint - they do.... Ever wonder why/how so many people in government BECOME wealthy or become obscenely wealthy in government "service"?
Politicians do not give two shits about the public unless they can either increase their power or make money off doing so.

Also the "vaccine" does not STOP covid nor stop people from spreading covid. It merely reduces symptoms. Covid is now endemic - it will never go away as not only is it global but it also has numerous animal reservoirs - deer,cats,dogs etc. The above FACTS mean it is essentially irrelevant if your neighbor is vaccinated to you and your health. Why? because you WILL be exposed regardless whether it's from a vaxxed person, and unvaxxed person or an animal.

The mandatory vaccines, "passports" and other measures are merely a power grab and an attempt to exert social conditioning upon the populace.
To be clear, I am not anti vaccine, nor anti science - the shots seem to lessen symptoms/severity. That said they ARE being misrepresented by pretty much everyone.

I predict the "passports" will NEVER go away and additional requirements WILL be added to them, In essence they will become internal passports without which people will be unable to function in daily life.

Comment Re:Anyone (Score -1, Offtopic) 269

So you're referring to the "vaccinated" then....

News flash - the "vaccine" does not stop people from catching nor spreading covid, merely minimize the symptoms.
Covid is now endemic as in it will NEVER go away. It not only is in the global human population
but has multiple animal reservoirs - deer, cats, dogs etc. etc.

So the question you need to answer is - do you want to live in a world where the government has the power to
take away your ability to work or socialize based on your compliance? Why? because once the populace accepts
this type of idea, the "vax passports etc." will NEVER go away and will inevitably be expanded with other requirements.

Comment Re:Slashdot's tone has changed a lot over the year (Score 1) 407

And apparently you are real lazy when it comes to research....

Coronavirus can be present in asymptomatic carriers. Some infectious diseases, like smallpox, have few if any people who are asymptomatic carriers -- that is, people who are infected but don't show any symptoms.

Coronavirus can infect many different kinds of animals. Smallpox only infected humans, which is why it was a disease that was relatively easy to eradicate. But microbes that can infect a wide range of animals will be nearly impossible to eradicate. Rabies, for instance, can infect any mammal, which means it will never be eradicated. It simply isn't possible to track down and vaccinate every raccoon or possum in the world. Similarly, SARS-CoV-2 or similar viruses can infect bats, pangolins, and possibly a whole host of other species, such as primates, rodents, and whales. Recently, we learned that the coronavirus can infect minks.

There is no highly effective vaccine or antiviral treatment for coronavirus. A disease that can be eradicated must be either preventable or curable. Smallpox is preventable with a vaccine. Hepatitis C is curable with certain antiviral drugs. (Because of this, some in the biomedical community are pushing for the eradication of hepatitis C.) But a highly effective vaccine for COVID is unlikely, given that humans probably don't develop long-lasting immunity to coronaviruses.

I guess the guys that wrote the above are all smoking crack - you now these guys -

About the American Council on Science and Health

The American Council on Science and Health is a pro-science consumer advocacy organization and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The Council was founded in 1978 by a group of scientists with a singular focus: to publicly support evidence-based science and medicine and to debunk junk science and exaggerated health scares.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your hopium.


Comment Re:I am sadly amused. (Score 1) 407

I never said give up on vaccination. Offering it is fine, hell they might even come up with a really effective one, but based on the history of flu shots alone it's not ever going to be eradicated. So accept that fact.

My overarching point in all this is - IF covid will NEVER go away then it means once a regime of "papers please" is implemented it will NEVER go away either. Let that sink in. Now with that as a starting point do you personally believe that once such a system is implemented. It will ONLY be applied to COVID? I'm 99.9 percent sure it won't be, other criteria will get tacked on, "for the children, for the planet, for yada yada yada..."

As to your other point, one of my biggest fears around the vaccine mandates is simply this - the more you push, the harder some people will resist. If said percentage is great enough not only will they not get vaccinated but it could very easily destabilize society itself.

Comment Re:Slashdot's tone has changed a lot over the year (Score 1) 407

NO it will not. Stop smoking the hopium and do some research. You can hope it will, you can blame all those "evil anti-vax" people, you can even blame god for all I care. It is not going to go away,,,,


About the American Council on Science and Health

The American Council on Science and Health is a pro-science consumer advocacy organization and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The Council was founded in 1978 by a group of scientists with a singular focus: to publicly support evidence-based science and medicine and to debunk junk science and exaggerated health scares.

  Alex Berezow, PhD — November 5, 2020

"There are three major reasons why SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus, will never be eradicated."

Suck it up, accept it and then ask yourself if you really want to live in a world where "papers please" is an ongoing part of your daily life forever.

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