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Comment The issue is Section 230 (Score 1) 208

We don't and shouldn't have government telling us what we are allowed to say and read. And things folks thought were true often turn out later to be false, especially when it is about politicians/said by politicians (Clinton on Lewinsky, Flowers, etc).

Section 230 is the issue as it is too broad. It was written at a time when the issues was transmitting email from basically one person to another and it was *JUST* transmission to specific addressees. But things like Facebook and twitter are broadcast media and also are applying algorithms to decide what you see and hence are really publishers.

We need to classify these folks are publishers and hold them to the same standards as radio, TV stations, newspapers and the like. Or make them stop filtering/promoting and manipulating the content and hold the person disseminating content liable for what they say.

The problem is NO ONE is accountable.

Comment The Valley companies avoid this... (Score 1) 62

The folks like Google Facebook and Twitter and most of the Valley avoid this by just not hiring older programmers. EQUALLY illegal. The EEOC should broaden their efforts to the tech industry and its obsession and youth and inexperience ( people they can manipulate and exploit) versus age and experience (people who now recognize the manipulation and are harder to exploit).

Comment Will they never learn` (Score 1) 40

Really? Didn't they try this with WinRT and Win10S. The key value of Windows is the app base and even with the UWP apps which have been around for years, most of the useful app base has never moved off Win32.

On ChromeOS, I can at least access the Android app base. With this change to Win10X my choice will have to be to use WSL2, with the GUI support they are adding and run Linux desktop apps or a Win10 VM. And if I do either of those, why do I need Win10X at all?

Comment Sounds like a big number, but... (Score 1) 129

I think I read somewhere that the number of miles driven in one single morning commute is something like 130 million miles. So, while 10 million miles is certainly impressive we aren't yet equivalent to 0.4% of a year's commuter driving (2 commutes per day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks per year). And, as previously pointed out, the Waymo miles are not driven in every set of road conditions in the US and are very controlled.

The real question we and they need to discuss is what is the amount of testing and user what conditions so that we as consumers can believe that this technology is well tested? Rain, snow, highways with bridges that ice before the roads do, heavy winds, dense fog, all need to be in the test conditions. Then add cities like NYC, where pedestrians don't yield the right of way and the many other edge conditions, like aggressive drivers doing stupid things.

We have a LONG way to go.

Comment It's the progeammers value system (Score 1) 203

If you want a great example of why the open source ecosystem is broken, look at how we value code versus documentation. We expect to get ten of thousands of lines of code - someone's labor - for free but will then pay O'Reilly $50 for the book explaining the software? So writing code has no value but writing a book about the code does? Yes, open source economics is broekn but it is really the value system of the programmers that has been warped.

Comment This has been true forever (Score 1) 183

I am an older tech guy. I remember reading a book in the 1970's that had a chapter addressing programmer productivity and studies that had been done. All showed that the best environment for programmers were small offices with doors that closed and phones that could be muted. Many, many studies since then have reconfirmed this but the trend for offices has been open space which is shown to reduce productivity. The reason for the office space trend is, of course cost. Later we came up with the rationale that these open offices helped collaboration. Studies over the last few years show that that isn't true either. Most folks in these environments have their headphones on and people talking are asked to go elsewhere. And, developers tend to collaborate over IM-type products as it allows sharing code and can be persistent so folks who were at some meeting can come back and pick up the thread.

It is like the idea you are more productive when you multi-task. Every single study shows this simply isn't true but folks want to believe it. Myths that make us feel good die hard.

Comment need to update devices and the economics (Score 1) 351

Manufacturers are the root cause and economics are a big issue. If you sell a 40 or 100 dollar IoT device how frequently are you, the manufacturer, going to continue to provide updates and do so proactively? There is no ongoing revenue and only cost for doing that and the money/margins aren't there. Smartphones are not phones but computers that cost $600, yet we see manufacturers stop providing updates in 18-24 months (Apple excepted). Look at routers that are 2 years old or so rarely if ever do we see an update. On our PCs Microsoft provided updates to Windows XP for 7 years and so that is what consumers think is happening but it isn't. if we can't get smartphones updated after 2 years what hope is there of the $99 and $199 IoT devices.

Let's face it, getting manufacturers to provide updates for 5 or 7 years or more isn't going to happen. But it isnt just the device manufacturers. Devices now last a very long time and the economics of updates don't work for the makers. Cisco EOL'ed a perfectly fine firewall I had at our office. The hardware is just fine, I suspect the costs of building and testing new releases and updates for security issues was just too painful. Likely no one wanted to work on the old code, if there was even anyone who knew or understood it. I suspect programmers not wanting to do long term maintenance of old stuff and wanting to move on to the next new thing is part of the problem. Even there is it the device makers fault as well. promotions and high salaries go to the new stuff and maintenance is considered for the "dead enders", and those folks know they'll get laid off and their jobs off shored. So you have to move to the new projects and tech and leave a place that keeps you on maintenance.

And the regulatory/legal situation is also to blame. Read a shrink wrap license or any software license. They all say that the makers aren't responsible for the fact that its software and doesn't really work.

It needs to start with a legal framework gets rid of the shrink wrap licenses and denial of liability, forced arbitration and the like. But then we'd hear complaints about innovation being throttled and excess costs and the like.

But don't expect action from Congress as long as they can pass the buck to the FCC, FTC, CPSC, the companies, the Executive Branch, etc.

Comment Re:A stupid idea made even worse (Score 1) 219

As tech people we tend to focus on the serious technical issues with electronic voting (OPM hack anyone???) when there is a bigger and real world issue - undue influence. When you go to the voting booth no one knows how you really voted. But if there is electronic voting, your boss or your union can set up a bank of systems and "encourage" employees to vote with official watching what they do. Do you want you boss / union boss watching over your shoulder? The real pressure and peer pressure are not to be discounted and is one of the reasons for the voting booths we have today. Political corruptions is easier when the voting process can be corrupted and this makes buying votes pretty easy.

Comment Re:Fantasy sports is like horse race betting (Score 2) 125

That is the key example. In horse race betting:

- bettors look at the stats of the horse in previous races and against various competitors. Just like looking at stats for a QB, running back or wide receiver.
- bettors look at the jockey and their results with different types of horses. similar to checking out the coach or how team mates impact results in football.
- bettors look at the length of race and track conditions and how well a horse did in similar conditions. In football we look at weather, dome or not, on the road or at home.

Football games and results can be impacted by defense and horse races by how other horse block the path of a horse, or who rides the rail and which gate they get. Not perfect but all of the above show that fantasy sports betting and race betting are basically the same, with the fantasy guys doing a lot of marketing to try to create a new reality and promote their business as not being betting. But we all know better. In horse racing if we pick a trifecta based on all of these stats and past results it is *GAMBLING*. Fantasy sports is basically not different. It isn't a game of skill, but is as much a game of chance as horse race betting.

Submission + - Time to move off adblock plus? (

pcause writes: Adblock Plus already lets a lot of ads through its filters if companies pay it. Now it is going to create a body to decide what other ads should get through its filters. The body will have advertisers, publisher and "the public". But since advertisers and publishers created the problem in the first place and given the IAB's various positions on ad blocking, can we expect them to have tight rules to prevent tracking and other abuses? Not a chance. Switch to a better blocker now to show your displeasure with the entire acceptable ads stuff, since it doesn't address the problems. I switched to uBlock when it first came out and it is great.

Comment Silicon Valley likes myth no facts on productivity (Score 3, Insightful) 146

Since the mid 1970's every single study shows that the ideal work environment for programmers is a private office (even a very small one) where they can shut the door and mute a phone. Interruptions are the enemy of software productivity. Despite all the evidence, Silicon Valley pushes the open office concept. The rationale is that this improves collaboration, but studies have shown this is another myth and that collaboration isn't really improved by these office layouts.

We all know the reason for this is to save money on office space. But the real question to ask is given the talent shortage and the need to improve productivity is this a "penny wise pound foolish" approach.

Comment Apps won't use the display as expected (Score 0) 177

If you have an Android phone or tablet and have plugged it into a large monitor you'll find that what you get is exactly what is on your screen magnified. The apps don't see that they can now display more items and things are just large. This is a fault of the Android UI system and not what you'd expect as a Linux or Windows user. Hopefully there is an Android update to fix this (was a problem at 5.0) or Samsung has some way to fix. It might need app changes in which case this device will be not just be huge but will also be hugely disappointing.

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