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Comment Re:VP of Diversity, Integrity & Governance... (Score 1) 1122

Yeah, like nursing doesn't require long stressful hours. That line is full of stupid.

I will however say that women might not like long stressful hours without some sort of payoff at the end. Helping a patient: payoff. Having a project canned through mismanagement: frustratingly no payoff.

Comment Re:VP of Diversity, Integrity & Governance... (Score 1) 1122

Just so I make it clear: I agree that using hockey is a bad way of picking people. :-). And we agree on the basics, I think.

As to talent and productivity, these are hard to see in an interview. And sometimes you want different type of brain in your team. In my experience, women are much more honest about deadlines vs. men (who tend to be more gung-ho). That is also part of having true leadership, for example. But it's not as evident.

Comment Re:VP of Diversity, Integrity & Governance... (Score 1) 1122

But that's not the problem. The problem is when you see a candidate and you think it should be a man (or woman) being interviewed. This can happen in many different ways, not all of them conscious from the interviewer.

For example, I know a place that, when chatting with candidates, would imply that they play video games during the lunch hour. So now, if you are a woman, you need to be a programmer (80% male) that plays video games (60 % male). It makes it that much harder to fit in.

I knew another place that, to move up in the company, you needed to play hockey. All the people who were promoted to management roles were hockey players.

One of the good woman programmers I know likes to paint. Serious painting. She finds both programming and painting fulfilling. But she doesn't play hockey and it's the hockey that would have been a hindrance.

Comment Re:Low fat whole grain? (Score 1) 788

Well if you don't like it then, you're just wrong :-)

Again, I'd feel foolish telling you to eat rice instead of extra vegetables. Meat, you have to be careful (bowel cancer), but from a weight gain perspective, I think we agree.

PS: I'm not a vegetarian. We eat less meat than we used to, but as I said, not because I'm afraid of fat.

Comment Re:Low fat whole grain? (Score 0) 788

I think that if you ate a similar diet and added steamed rice ( reducing proportionately fats and protein), you'd get similar results. The key things that you cut are sugar and processed foods (which often contain sugar).

I really dislike sugar in my diet.

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