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Comment Re:Needs a cut-off valve (Score 1) 307

Old fashioned two knob hot + cold make it hard to do. One-knob-does-everything showers that the US seems to like also make this fiddly because you go through cold to get to hot and it's often fiddly to reset the temperature. Hotels in the US seem particularly bad at having clunky showers that make it hard to turn off and on mid-shower.

Comment Re:Too bad... (Score 1) 23

If you mean for general purpose programming like CUDA we have had OpenCL and SYCL for years. The latter is a core part of Intel's OneAPI work. It may not satisfy everything everyone wants from a proprietary solution like CUDA but you can't really argue than an open standard doesn't exist.

Comment Re:Rather than "time tax" instead fix (Score 1) 172

Yes, but that could be a few minutes of checkboxes that just change the submission. The government certainly does know what my employer paid me, and even what value of stock I sold, because all of that is shared with them. If that information is shared with them the least they could do is use that information to make my life easier. The tax system here in the US is an embarrassment if you've ever submitted tax outside the US before.

Comment Re:Wonder if this applies to TMobile (Score 1) 68

At the moment roaming data seems to be unfiltered as far as I can tell. I assume they are working on the basis that they know that these people are foreign, so there is no benefit to filtering the traffic. VPNs have been hit and miss enough recently that I have been suspecting they have been experimenting with blocking them, although as that includes our corporate VPNs it may be coincidence.

Comment Re:Folks, have your license and registration ready (Score 5, Insightful) 293

Is that a reasonable assumption? For the first couple of years I lived in the US I don't think it was obvious to me that I should even stay in the car when pulled over. When if my wallet was in my bag in the back of the car? No reason to take it into the front just in case I'm pulled over, after all, especially when you come from a part of the world that has no requirement to carry identification in the car in the first place. Certainly back in the UK I wouldn't assume I couldn't leave the car. This peculiar interaction where the driver has to follow careful rules that are only practically spread through word of mouth and watching TV shows, just in case the cop gets nervous, isn't really optimal, and I don't think assuming that "everyone knows" is a reasonable view of the world..

Comment Re:This is BS (Score 1) 440

That ignores the fact that some traffic controls work specifically to keep traffic moving. Look at variable speed limits for example - the entire goal of the control, and the benefit of having people obey it, is that traffic keeps moving by lowering the speed and removing the stop-start behaviour or racing towards other cars.

In this case the OP wasn't even talking about traffic controls, rather that truck trailers should be fitted with guards that would stop cars slipping underneath. They absolutely should have those fitted.

Comment Re:Of course ... (Score 1) 315

I don't know if that is a perfect comparison. I have been wondering for a long time why liability cover on US car insurance policies is so low compared with UK liability cover. Default cover at a pathetic 100,000USD instead of the 8,000,000GBP that my last UK policy had.

I recently spent some time reading web sites suggesting how to assess how much cover you need and they suggest it based on the value of your assets. So it strikes me that while UK auto insurance is designed to have a high enough liability cover amount to make sure that those you harm don't lose out (within reason, clearly a person who loses a leg loses out, but the value should at least cover their medical bills and given them some compensation given the loss of income), US insurance cover is intended to cover you as a driver against the risk of losing your assets to legal action on the part of those you harm.

So although clearly the payout on auto insurance does go to others, to then cover their costs while health insurance directly covers your costs, the actual goal of the insurance strikes me as protecting yourself in both cases - at least in the US.

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