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Comment There are already many drugs that can cure malaria (Score 1) 190

Malaria is so common in Africa that most Africans don't consider it to be that big of a deal. You get malaria, go to the doctor and take some medication and then get better. Over time, your immune system will be more resistant to malaria so you don't get as sick.

Malaria is a serious disease for those who don't have access to medicine and is left untreated for a period of time. A new medication is not going to help much if people don't have access to it.

Comment Pointless (Score 1) 152

Interesting concept, but I don't see the practical use.

How many times do you need that fast of Internet connection on the go AND have access to several unsecured WiFi hotspots at the same time?

One fast reliable WiFi connection is a simpler solution that accomplishes the same thing.

Comment Re:Nothing New (Score 1) 349

I think software engineers share just as much of the blame. Even if they write good clean code, they are usually terrible at making something user friendly and their solutions can be rather wonky.

The challenge of making good software is getting business people and engineers working together. If one side has too much power, the likely result will be crap.

Comment Re:Immunosupressants? (Score 2) 159

The mortality rates have a lot to do with the health of the patient and how well of a match they can get. Things get tricky because having graft vs hosts disease helps cure the cancer part because it will attack cancer cells before the rest of the body.

The challenge is finding someone who is an exact match and have the genetics that is resistant to HIV. It might work for those lucky few, but people already have challenges finding a match without the HIV criteria.

Comment Re:Immunosupressants? (Score 5, Informative) 159

You only have to take immunosuppressants for a year or two with a bone marrow transplant. The bone marrow will learn to recognize your body after a while.

The real danger is there is about 15 to 50% dying from the treatment itself. It is probably better to use current HIV treatments and only use the bone marrow transplant as a last resort, similar to what they do for cancer.

Comment Linux is a bigger catastrophe for gaming (Score 0, Troll) 880

Targeting a platform with 2% market share where the culture doesn't like paying for software is not a good business strategy.

Things like have a crappy interface and closed ecosystem is not going to stop game developers. Having a small market share and few paying customers will.

Comment Re:"Human interest bloat" (Score 1) 349

Human interest stories is how you draw casual fans into watching a niche sport. You need a story behind the competitors if you want to capture interest. In mainstream sports, you can know the storylines by watching the games on TV,reporters endless debates on ESPN or talking with your coworkers.

American Ninja Warrior doesn't have that same luxury so the producers have to add human interest stories and competitive storylines. This creates drama so that the viewer at home has something to root for or against. Having a bunch of anonymous contestants run an obstacle for purity sake is not going to cut it.

I don't usually watch swimming, but I will watch Michael Phelps go for 7 gold medals. The storyline is what makes it interesting, not the actual sport to the casual fan.

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