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Comment When competitiveness ends (Score 1) 59

Answer: When a company controls the hardware.

Apple has no obligation to even provide support on Apple devices to Epic's software. That wasn't what the lawsuit dealt with. Apple can easily ban Epic apps from it's devices. It won't because they still will receive money for allowing Epic to do so, but there isn't a law in this land that forces a device to support everything in the world.

Comment Silly statement (Score 1) 786

"Imagine if President Obama had stated, 'I believe the nation should commit itself to the goal of enabling all Americans to access affordable health insurance' but then left the how to do it to some of the best experts in health care and economics without partisan interference."

Because anything those people would come up with would immediately have been shot down by Republicans simply because it was Obama's goal. That, and the fact that any serious discussion would have to raise the specter of increased regulation.

Comment Polishing (Score 1) 204

After reading a story how NASA is testing 3D printed rocket injector parts and seeing success, it becomes apparent why this failed (and why the Liberator doesn't hold up too well). NASA spends a couple weeks having the parts polished, ensuring that tolerances are all met. You can see how this can affect a gun also. If the tolerances are even a smidgen off, problems can occur. The common person probably doesn't have easy access to equipment that can accomplish this and may never even think about it.

Comment Laughable (Score 0, Troll) 616

Edward Snowden is not a whistleblower. He stopped being that the moment he revealed classified information that did not concern what he was 'whistleblowing'. He has committed espionage, plain and simple, and Russia is only making sure they've got everything from him before they agree to return him. Plus, if anyone thinks there hasn't been some back-room negotiation between the US and Russia about any borderline people in the US that fled Russia to escape the same charges, you haven't paid attention to history.

Comment Re:You have got to be kidding me (Score 1) 719

Kind of sad my post has been rated so badly. Is it because I do not agree with everything Edward Snowden did? Nothing I said was technically incorrect. We killed the Rosenbergs because they revealed details of the atom bomb to the Soviets, yet we want to give a Peace Prize to a man who revealed to other countries how we spy on them?

Comment Re:You have got to be kidding me (Score 1) 719

Not technically unconstitutional either. There is no right to privacy coded in the constitution and the Court has come down on both sides of the issue. If you want to make a 4th Amendment claim about illegal search and seizure, then you still lose because the government still can claim it got a warrant through the secret court. I'm not stating I agree with this line of thinking. I've been complaining about the PATRIOT Act since Day 1. But if you read my post again, Snowden went beyond revealing one potentially unconstitutional program. He revealed more than that to other countries.

Comment Not a simple thing (Score 1) 88

This is the worst possible moment in time to move away from nuclear power. Renewables may never reach the point that their energy production matches any decent size gas/coal/oil/nuclear plant. Coal has to go. So many people will talk about natural gas, because now we have so much of it available that prices are low. But the industry doesn't want the general public to know that they have been petitioning the government to export our natural gas. That's right, good old Capitalism wants to win out over energy security. Energy companies need reasons to continue to charge hundreds of dollars a month for energy they now get for a much cheaper price. Energy producers see an opportunity to increase profits, which wouldn't be bad if the end result is natural gas prices rising. In several years, the cost of nuclear power per kilowatt will once again be comparable to, if not cheaper than natural gas. By then our current plants will be even older, the cost to build a new plant will be even greater, and we'll once again wonder why we didn't grab the bull by the horns and prepare for the future in advance.

Comment You have got to be kidding me (Score 0, Troll) 719

This man not only revealed a not-technically illegal surveillance program, he told other countries we were spying on them and revealed details about programs that aren't covered by any Consitutional protection. May as well go back and award the Peace Prize to the Rosenbergs because they helped make sure other countries had the bomb.

Comment Grr (Score 1) 323

1) Sadly, too many people don't understand that these what the government was doing was legal, so you can't sue over them. Change the law if you must, but suing is stupid. 2) 'Widely' hailed as a hero?!? Why not also put that he's also 'widely' denounced as a traitor. 3) Keeping secrets from civilians is inherently non-democratic, but we accept it so that other countries do not have access to secrets we want to keep. It isn't for Mr. Snowden to decide if it is, as he says, an 'existential threat to democracy'. 4) The man knew what he was doing was illegal and fled the country before revealing himself. A true 'patriot' would've stayed and faced the courts. I'll give Bradley Manning that much credit.

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