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Comment Re:As usual. (Score 1) 622

Great point, on top of this the traveller I will assume is a US citizen, meaning you wouldn't send them back. You'd quarantine them.

The whole point here is that if they just listened to their doctors and got vaccinated for measles in the first place this entire conversation would be irrelevant.

Comment Redundant middlemen in the age of information (Score 2) 168

The majority of "sales people" these days are redundant middlemen who provide negative value to the customer. Anyone who wants to, can be armed with way more information than a salesperson these days and would make a much more informed decision on their own, versus the bias from sales people towards whatever incentives and inventory they are keeping in mind.

Tesla is an example that breaks the mold, their sales people are very informed and are not there to push you into a particular model/options/upsells. In my interactions with Tesla salespeople, they are there to help you determine whether the vehicle is the right fit for your needs. If only all salesperson experiences were like this (including Realtors who are more interested in self-promotion than actually selling your home) then these middlemen would be less redundant.

Comment Worklife balance restorer (Score 1) 381

This is also a fantastic opportunity for people to restore their worklife balance. Why should you connect your personal device for corporate benefit of permanently tethering you to work? This whole BYOD thing was made up by and industry trying to sell their solutions to an imaginary problem. CxOs have been suckered into thinking this is a huge money saver. It is not. When you consider the total sum of the risks or losses in productivity it does not make sense as a holistic consideration. For industries like professional services organizations, the cost of the device is negligible compared with the risk you're signing up for. And if your concern is what happens when you buy an employee a phone and they leave a month later...this is a pretty expensive solution. In all circumstances I have been in, when an employer purchases a device that is the property of the company. What's Gartner smoking?

Does anyone call Gartner on their predictions and whether they are wrong? Revisit their VDI prediction: Does anyone see 40% running off VDI in 2013? Nope.

Comment Re:Autism (Score 1) 1007

I am a parent, and you know what? Parents should stick to parenting. Doctors are trained professionals. Would you argue with your doctor about the course of treatment as you're in cardiac arrest? No? That's right, they are the ones who went through years of medical schooling not you, so stop pretending that Google and Wikipedia makes you qualified to make these judgements. Sure question and be informed, but don't think that you know better.

Comment Minimum wage in North America (Score 5, Insightful) 371

I find it a crazy FWP that people are so fixated on workers rights in countries where the work they are getting in factories are much better than the alternative. Yet we ignore the plight of minimum wage workers in North America. In major metropolitan areas where housing is unaffordable and public transit is sadly there, why don't we fix things for our own before aiding those who haven't really ask you for your opinion?

Comment IT professional starts with Sunday Classifieds? (Score 5, Insightful) 506

I have some serious reservations about responding to this, but so many red lights go off:
-What employer would hire someone who makes rash decisions based on emotion? You're not Steve Jobs.
-Considering the number of Fortune 500 companies that use Microsoft technology, I can tell you the decision upper management has taken is not just on FUD. Just as a way to put a check on your assumptions, revisit the company you have left in five years. Are they still in business? Did they grow? My guess is that moving to Microsoft was a business decision as much as a technology decision. There are pros and cons to all these vendors and ideologies. You want to stake your paycheque on it, don't blame the industry or others.
-The biggest error I see here is, regardless of why you wanted to were getting a paycheque. Storming off without securing your next employment hurts nobody but yourself. Unless you are in a position where you are being abused, taken advantage of, subjected to unsafe working conditions...why would you leave first? Being unemployed makes you that much more undesirable to any potential employer.
-Sunday classifieds? What are you, some sort of dinosaur? Even my non-technology friends do not "start" with the classifieds.

I'll just end with my personal feeling that perhaps you are the one who is under the influence of FUD. I've worked in Linux shops, shops with various Unix flavours HPUX/AIX/Solaris (even SCO back in the day when they weren't just patent trolls,) Apple and Microsoft shops. As technologists, we're pretty adaptable. I'd never take my personal preferences on vendors as the limiting factor on choice of employment.

Best of luck to you.

Comment Nice troll: Read the actual study? (Score 2) 290

Did anyone even bother reading the study before responding to this obvious troll? All the study does is correlate or trend higher data consumption to iPhone 4S devices. Any guesses as to the reason why, are just speculation and are unrelated to the actual study. There is nothing in this study related to Siri. The Washington Post piece is just really really bad reporting. Paul Farhi should go take some classes in journalism and learn to cite sources that actually support his wild accusations.

Comment But isn't this true for everything politics? (Score 1) 214

Isn't this true for most decisions and legislations passed by politicians nowadays? What do politicians know about the environment? Did they study environmental science? What do they know about health? Were they trained in health care? What do they know about education? Were they study and practice as educators? I think you get the hint. Sure they could employ and rely upon experts in the field, but in reality what do they do? Sell their votes to the highest bidder....oh I mean lobbyist.

Funny how people freak out about China and communism, but if you think about it...democracy in it's current form doesn't really work. Does your elected official know your name? Know what you need? Hmm..then how do they "represent" you?

Comment No security is 100% (Score 1) 206

Security risks are never 100% prevented, it is all about risk mitigation. This is better as a user experience than password complexity rules that cause a user to right down his password on a sheet of paper. For the majority of regular users, nobody is going to go through the expense and trouble of these paranoid scenarios that security solutions companies try to convince you are an imminent threat. The more likely threat is what I call the 'gun to the head attack'. In all instances it is cheaper and easier to use the threat of physical violence to gain access. And nothing protects against that really. Moral of the story, do not keep sensitive data on an end point device.

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