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Comment Carbon mitigation (Score 1) 96

Let's see, $5T/year of constant dollars for carbon mitigation, where every marginal dollar is borrowed, for 77 years of compound interest, at an increasing interest rate... I get $14-quadrillion *CONSTANT* dollars of civilization-destroying debt by 2100. Yep, carbon mitigation is the way to go!

Comment Re:Seems like a stupid argument to me. (Score 1) 178

And the carbon in the food itself came from the environment *RECENTLY*. Food doesn't last very long. And even when the food is consumed, its carbon is still released into the environment. The only slowdown in this process would be humans putting on a spare tire, but that still gets released eventually.

Comment Maybe it's the fucking [virus] factory! (Score 1) 166

ObStewart: "Oh my god, there’s a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China, what do we do? Oh, you know who we could ask? The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. The disease is the same name as the lab. That's just a little too weird, don't you think? And then they asked those scientists -- they're like 'how did this... so wait a minute, you work at the Wuhan respiratory coronavirus lab. How did this happen?' and they're like 'mmmm -- a pangolin kissed a turtle?' and you're like 'no the name of your lab! If you look at the name! Can I let me see your business card. Show me your business card. Oh -- I work at the coronavirus lab in Wuhan. Oh, cause there's a coronavirus loose in Wuhan. How did that happen?' 'Maybe a bat... flew into the cloaca of a turkey and... then it sneezed into my chili. And now we all have Coronavirus. ... Maybe it's the fucking [virus] factory!"

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