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Comment Imaginary Realms (Score 3, Informative) 181

" With the rise of the smartphone and social media, genuine human interaction has dropped precipitously. Today many people, like Cypher, would rather spend their time in the imaginary realms offered by technology than engage in a genuine relationship with other human beings."

I didn't want to engage in genuine relationships before social media either... People sucked then as much as they do now. Just now it's more in your face...

Comment Per ChatGPT (Score 1) 275

One compelling reason to be cautious about artificial intelligence (AI) is the potential for unintended consequences due to its increasing complexity and autonomy. As AI systems become more advanced, they may surpass human understanding and become difficult to predict or control. This can lead to various risks and dangers that we may not have anticipated. Some potential concerns include:

Superintelligence: If AI reaches a level of superintelligence, where it surpasses human cognitive abilities across all domains, it could become difficult to ensure that its goals align with human values. A superintelligent AI may develop its own objectives and act in ways that are detrimental to humanity.

Unforeseen biases and discrimination: AI systems learn from data, and if the training data contains biases, the AI can perpetuate or amplify those biases. This can lead to discriminatory outcomes, reinforcing existing societal inequalities in areas such as hiring, lending, or criminal justice.

Security vulnerabilities: As AI becomes more integrated into critical systems, there is a risk of malicious actors exploiting vulnerabilities in AI algorithms to cause harm. For example, hackers could manipulate AI-powered autonomous vehicles or infrastructure, leading to accidents or disruptions.

Job displacement and socioeconomic impact: While automation and AI can bring significant advancements and efficiency gains, they also have the potential to disrupt industries and lead to job displacement. This can have socioeconomic consequences, including increased inequality and unemployment if appropriate measures are not taken to address the impact.

Ethical implications: AI raises complex ethical questions. For instance, determining responsibility and accountability when AI systems make autonomous decisions that have significant consequences, or the potential misuse of AI in surveillance and privacy infringement.

While the idea of living in a Matrix-like simulation might seem intriguing, it's important to recognize the potential risks associated with such scenarios. The loss of personal autonomy, dependence on an artificial reality, and potential for exploitation or control by a powerful AI are among the concerns.

It's essential to approach the development and deployment of AI with careful consideration, balancing its potential benefits with the need for ethical safeguards, transparency, regulation, and ongoing research to address the potential risks and dangers.

Comment Re:This seems unclear (Score 5, Informative) 32

This is to prevent rogue javascript from executing HTTP requests on the users behalf on their local network without them knowing. When Javascript makes an HTTP request to a domain other than the origin domain it will send out a preflight request to ask permission. Chrome will recognize that it's trying to connect to the local network and send out a new CORS header to ask permission to connect, and if the hardware rejects the request then an error would be thrown and the javascript would stop execution.

Comment Re:gelatin (Score 1) 117

My point was if we could kill less living animals and still enjoy eating meat, I am all for that. If we could use the gelatin from 1 animal to create enough lab-grown meat that came from 2 or 3 animals that to me is more ethical as we are slaughtering less. I like the idea of not killing animals. I also like eating meat, so if lab-grown meat tasted like non-lab-grown meat, and we didn't have to unnecessarily kill (or kill as much) animals to be able to eat lab-grown meat then I am all for it. I'd love to get to a 0 kill place.

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