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Pythagoras Was Wrong: There Are No Universal Musical Harmonies, Study Finds (cam.ac.uk) 73

An anonymous reader shares a report: According to the Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, 'consonance' -- a pleasant-sounding combination of notes -- is produced by special relationships between simple numbers such as 3 and 4. More recently, scholars have tried to find psychological explanations, but these 'integer ratios' are still credited with making a chord sound beautiful, and deviation from them is thought to make music 'dissonant,' unpleasant sounding.

But researchers from the University of Cambridge, Princeton and the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, have now discovered two key ways in which Pythagoras was wrong. Their study, published in Nature Communications, shows that in normal listening contexts, we do not actually prefer chords to be perfectly in these mathematical ratios. "We prefer slight amounts of deviation. We like a little imperfection because this gives life to the sounds, and that is attractive to us," said co-author, Dr Peter Harrison, from Cambridge's Faculty of Music and Director of its Centre for Music and Science.

The researchers also found that the role played by these mathematical relationships disappears when you consider certain musical instruments that are less familiar to Western musicians, audiences and scholars. These instruments tend to be bells, gongs, types of xylophones and other kinds of pitched percussion instruments. In particular, they studied the 'bonang,' an instrument from the Javanese gamelan built from a collection of small gongs.

Comment Re:Terawatt lasers, yeah right. (Score 1) 57

They turn them on in *picosecond* pulses, about 1000 of them per second. That means that a single millisecond of total operation will happen after 11 days of continuous operation, and they most likely will turn this on only during an electrical thunderstorm rather than all the time. If you do the matt it's about 1W of power usage.

Comment Re:What exactly don't you like about the essay? (Score 1) 458

To give you one short example, "Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of humanities and social sciences lean left (about 95%), which creates enormous confirmation bias, changes what’s being studied, and maintains myths like social constructionism and the gender wage gap", which I think you'll agree contains the implied statement [the gender gap is a myth]. In the footnote it says that the well known numbers are a result of bad averaging, but "For the same work though, women get paid just as much as men".

However, there is widely accepted research that even compensating for variables to avoid other factors, there is still a (smaller) pay gap. Not just the "left leaning social sciences" but also the US government, and that's why Google can be sued for such a thing.

So we could leave that at "the essay has a mistake", which probably can happen to anyone writing an essay or a line of code as in your example. But what are the consequences of this specific mistake:
  * It denies the existence of the very thing Google is claiming in court to be trying to address
  * It denies and actual known problem that affects ~30% of the employees of Google. That denial is alienating to that people affected by the problem (as a short sighted person I would feel alienating to hear someone saying "medical insurance shouldn't cover prescription glasses, short sightedness is a myth").
  * Getting public, it alienates also a huge segment of the public (including potential hires)

So, he made a wrong statement, that fuels legal problems to his employer, causes bad PR, and alienates a large percentage of his coworkers making it harder to put it on a team. It would have been surprising if they didn't fire him.

There are actually many other incorrect reasonings in the essay (including taking known correlations which are true data, and giving them causality and meaning that are not known science, and using those to justify applying practices that promote equality.

Comment Re:Virtual Drunk (Score 1) 95

This happens, placebo effect works as good with alcohol as with other drugs. Not just that, different cultures have different behaviours associated to alcohol intake, and placebo drunk people tend to take the behaviours from their culture, which appears to imply that many (although not all) of the effects of alcohol are cultural.

Submission + - BBC micro:bit specs released as open hardware (microbit.org)

TrixX writes: The makers of the BBC micro:bit have announced that they are releasing the full specs for the device under an open license, (Solderpad License, similar to Apache License but for hardware). This means that anyone can legally use the specs and build their own device, or fork the reference design github repo and design their derivatives.

Submission + - Reporter of an e-voting vulnerability raided in Argentina

TrixX writes: There have just been police raids at the home of an Argentinian security professional who discovered and reported several vulnerabilities in the electronic ballot system to be used next weeks for elections in the city of Buenos Aires. The vulnerabilities (exposed SSL keys and ways to forge ballots with multiple votes) had been reported to the manufacturer of the voting machines, the media, and the public about a week ago.
There have been no arrest but his computers and electronics devices have been impounded. Meanwhile, the information security community in Argentina is trying to get the media to report this notorious attempt to "kill the messenger".

Submission + - SimpleAI, an implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms (readthedocs.org)

machinalis writes: "SimpleAI is an easy to use lib implementing in python many of the artificial intelligence algorithms described on the book "Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach", from Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig.
This implementation takes some of the ideas from the Norvig's implementation (the aima-python lib), but it's made with a more "pythonic" approach, and more emphasis on creating a stable, modern, and maintainable version. We are testing the majority of the lib, it's available via pip install, has a standard repository and lib architecture, well documented, respects the python pep8 guidelines, provides only working code (no placeholders for future things), etc. Even the internal code is written with readability in mind, not only the external API.
This new release adds a few statistical classification methods to SimpleAI with
the intention of start replicating the machine learning aspects of aima-python, also includes lots of tests for the classifiers, documentation, and a few sample uses of the classifiers.
twitter: @machinalis""

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