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Comment It's the screen size, stupid (Score 1) 196

Even a screen that's roughly 4x4 cm covering a square roughly the width of a man's wrist is too small to really be useful. This has been tried before with the Palm OS. Another thing is, large watches are ugly, and people won't buy them for that reason either. Sure, geeks would lap them up in droves of a few thousand units. After that, crickets...

Comment Re:no ghettos pre-internet? (Score 1) 452

The effect of Hip Hop on a white or red person is just as bad as its effect on a black one, yes. Hip Hop is not a positive or beneficial thing. Now next you'll point to all the things whites have come up with that aren't positive or beneficial. The difference with thug/Hip Hop culture is that it's so pervasive. There's no comparable thing within the white community to compare with it.

Comment Re:no ghettos pre-internet? (Score 4, Insightful) 452

there is a problem, but it's cultural rather than racial.

Bingo. Nothing about being black means you must commit crime. The thug culture is the problem. And to get back to the original topic, a list of places to avoid would be just as useful to a black person who didn't want to be raped, robbed, and murdered as it would to a white.

Comment ST Continues (Score 4, Interesting) 401

Star Trek Continues is very, very good. The first episode features the return of Apollo, played by original actor Michael Forest. I've already sent them money; I'd rather see this funded than more TNG era stuff. The era had its moments, but this is a really faithful back-to-the-roots adaptation that captures the heart and soul and the *feel* of Star Trek better than anything else I've ever seen. The attention to detail is amazing. Gorn Bob says check it out: http://www.startrekcontinues.com/

Comment UN's Fault? (Score 2) 158

The article said the Nepalese were billeted at a Haitian miltary base with poor sanitation. "...Because of inadequate water and sanitation facilities at the base, cholera-infected sewage contaminated the Artibonite River..." implying the Haitians had been dumping sewage into the river themselves at least since the disaster. This was an accident. I'm no big huge fan of the UN, but they were there to *help* fer goshsakes, and for Haiti to attack them is wrong.

Comment Re:Really? Political correctness? (Score 1) 772

Why do you believe that a female Doctor Who would not attract and keep TV viewers?

Indeed. Why not cover all the PC bases, as the OP stated? "Why not a vegan tranny black lesbian Muslim in a wheelchair?" For me, the Doctor will always be Tom Baker. But then I'm a straight white male. May my oppressive soul burn forever in Hell.

Comment Re:Barely worth pirating (Score 1) 314

It's pretty awful. The pilot opened up with some scraggly-bearded mangina burying a body, and we're supposed to think he's a *good guy*. It goes downhill from there. None of the characters I saw were sympathetic in any way. I tried to watch the second episode and gave up after a few minutes. Not worth pirating, indeed.

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