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Submission + - Dutch Government Forced to Reduce CO2 Emissions by at least 25% by 2020

ChristW writes: In a major victory for the Dutch people — represented by Urgenda — and the environment. the judge has ordered that the government is responsible for its citizens' well-being, and therefore orders the state to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 25% (relative to 1990's emission levels) at the year 2020. (Article in Dutch)

Submission + - Skype Bypasses Windows 8.1 Lock Screen 2

ChristW writes: From a blog entry on the Skype website, it is clear that "you can answer calls directly from your lock screen". So, if I lock my Windows PC and walk away, any passer by can answer my personal Skype calls.

Submission + - Quantum-Secure Authentication with a Classical Key (arxiv.org)

ChristW writes: This paper describes how a quantum-secure authentication can be achieved using a (physical) key containing a PUF (Physically Uncopyable Function, consisting of a random 3D structure of nano-particles). The setup uses a low photon-count wavefront to make skimming and flooding of the system practically impossible. From one of the authors is also the paper 'Towards more aesthetic forms of cryptography', which is also a good and funny read.

Comment Re:More governmental abuse in Europe (Score 5, Interesting) 129

Well, I live in The Netherlands, and one of the things that we witnessed the last couple of weeks was a new law proposed by the Minister of Safety and Justice (...), Ivo Opstelten. He proposed that people who have encrypted files on their computer should be pressed into giving out their keys, "but only if they are very bad criminals, like when hiding child porn or are terrorists". Oh, so, that's OK then...

Christ van Willegen

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