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Comment Re:Irrational Market Behavior (Score 2, Informative) 254

Specifically, the "Efficient Market Hypothesis", in which it is proposed that the price for a good or service ALWAYS reflects ALL available information, implicitly assumes that market actors are acting rationally.

Actually, it's not a good or service that the EMH refers to, but rather the market price of publicly-traded equities, bonds and commodities in an environment in which there are relatively low transaction fees. You should read more here before posting about it, although since you got a rating of "5" maybe only cursory knowledge is required?

Comment As the only /.er who actually watched the video... (Score 5, Informative) 254's my assesment:

First of all, you need to skip to minute 9 before you start getting any info. And if you read the book Super Freakonomics, you already know everything in the 20-minute video:

- Monkeys steal money from each other, as do humans.
- Monkeys are terrible savers, as are humans.
- Monkeys are poor calculators of risk/reward, as are humans. (She goes on for about 8 minutes belaboring this point.)

And the goal for us as humans is to use our logic to overcome our emotions. There, I have now saved you 20 minutes of your life!

Comment To see where the story has come since 2008... (Score 1, Redundant) 281 should see this blog post from Google: Personalized Search For Everyone.

Whether a computer is signed in or not, the Gorg is tracking everything the computer does, in order to "personalize" the search results for it.

It seems the concept of "opt in" is now gone forever, since tracking is the default. I wonder if privacy advocates even understand the implications, given how often Google is the Internet for so many people.

(By the way, for Google fanboys, a non-evil company would have a toggle on the search page saying, "Personalized Results: ON - OFF"... But I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.)

Comment A privacy-protecting search engine (Score 1) 281

After reading that article, I hope some people are a little more hesitant about the evil Gorg. This part here I found particularly interesting:

Consider 26-year-old Ari Brand, an actor living in Manhattan's East Village. Google has access to the fact he paid $733 for a flat-screen TV, because he uploaded his budget to Google Docs, an online word processor and spreadsheet. It has access to the 23,000 emails he has sent through Gmail.

At this point I need to put in a plug for the Start Page Search Engine, which does not store your IP address.

Comment If you want to find out how evil Google is... (Score 1) 182

...just ask any small business that has been banned from advertising on Google's Adwords network. I'm not going to plug my own business here, but I run a software company and was forced to lay off three people because Google decided my site violated their vague "Terms & Conditions." (They did not tell me what my supposed violations were.)

However, I will give you two examples of two other small businesses that were banned from Adwords. The first is this one, a small local pest-control company Reno. If anyone can find anything objectionable about that site, definitely let me know! Read their story here. (Scroll down to the 6th reply.)

Here's another company banned from Adwords, in this case a company in LA that has helped non-profits obtain grants for the past 35 years. You can read their story here.

Comment Re:Separate them (Score 1) 467

Best solution to keeping your boss out of your personal stuff? Don't do personal stuff on company time.

Eric Schmidt, is that you? (The CEO of Google said, "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.")

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