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Comment Re:Back in July - of 2013! (Score 1) 928

In part this may be a consequence of something known as 'benevolent sexism'. I read a research paper somewhere whereby an experiment was held, women were treated by men, as men had been shown to treat other men. In the end they found that most women believed the men who weren't treating them differently (benevolent sexism) were seen as hostile. Therefore it's possible that some women are so accustomed to benevolent sexism, that when entering a male environment, they struggle to differentiate equality from hostile sexism. Can't find the exact paper, but various results come up around the term benevolent sexism explaining the theories.

Comment Audio Fingerprinting? (Score 2) 358

Given pirating audio will always be possible (just use a microphone), is it possible that their new audio format will simply involve steganography to add purcharser identification to tracks. This would allow them to better identify, and perhaps prosecute all pirates (until they find a way of stripping the audio fingerprint). It seems alot more plausible than them actually trying a funky new drm (after Apple were compelled to remove drm from itunes music).

Submission + - How to sell an open source Android game?

Techmeology writes: A while ago, I wrote a simple strategy game based on Reversi, but with a few key differences in the rules. I showed it to some of my friends, who really enjoyed it, so I wrote an open source Android version called Chain Reversi over the summer, and published it on the Android app store. I had hoped to earn some money from it, but so far I haven't managed to get anyone other than my friends interested in buying it since my skills are mainly in technology rather than marketing. I decided to make the game open source because I figured that might get a few people (who care about stuff like that) interested who might then share it with their friends and get some exposure for my game, but that hasn't happened. How have my fellow Shashdotters gotten their success in selling on the Android app store?

Comment Re:Interface to online compilers (Score 1) 70

LyX can export directly to latex .tex code which should compile on online compilers. It may not be as convenient than a button to do it straight away but It should be possible to create a version of LyX without the LaTeX libs. I imagine to directly compile using an online service, LyX would need to host it themselves or come to an agreement with a company who provides the service.

Comment LYX is a good editor (Score 1) 70

I'm currently using LYX to write my dissertation report, it does a good job of hiding the latex for basic structures, and you can press ctrl+L at any time if you wish to insert raw latex. My only issue I've had using LYX actually lies with the listings package for latex which isn't LYXs fault. (The listings packages syntax highlighting functionality doesn't easily support the highlighting of the '' in XML syntax without various hacks which temperamental results at best). Although LYX could benefit from a dedicated editor for generating listings highlighting code for the latex preamble I suppose, however it would be a shame to do this without improving the listings package first.

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