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Comment Re:Enormous tax and administrative burdens (Score 1) 347

For the purchaser this is trivial, for the seller this is a major and possibly decisive burden. Example: More than 50% of Amazon sales are not from Amazon but from resellers like my spouse. If every state adopts something like this then she may have to start filing tax returns in every state she sell something in, which most of them. Right now she generates enough to make it worthwhile. If she has to spend countless hours and $$ figuring out 35-40 different tax rules or paying someone else for the service she may be forced to 'close up shop'. Sucks but such is business I suppose.

Comment Re:How (Score 1) 386

FAIL: Read the EULA, you don't even own the pictures you post. This has nothing to do with your privacy settings. Outside companies aren't getting access to your facebook page or postings directly. Facebook collects, compiles and sells to whoever is paying. They don't even have to give the data directly, that's worth to much money. Just postulating here, but in this case I could see the Credit Companies providing an algorithm for Facebook to run against the data and it could simply provide a return code between 1 and 100, which in turn could be used as a +/- against your FICO. No laws broken because no personal data was exchanged.

You did get to sign up for FREE didn't you? Page ads aren't what makes FB a multi-billion dollar company.

Comment Re:Facebook privacy (Score 1) 386

For a price Facebook and any other online, gps, browsing, cookie monster.......whatever kinda data collecting company would gladly cough up the needed info. This is about data mining not page scraping and your privacy settings are therefore irrelevant. Read the ever changing EULAs we agree to for every site/service we sign up for, especially the "FREE" ones.

It's been said a million times but bares repeating over and over still. "You are not a customer, you are a commodity". Banks, Insurance companies, employers and so many more that fork over the $$$ are the customers.

Comment Re:So nobody read the article, or even the summary (Score 1) 386

I think it is more of a "slippery slope" issue than just the current plan outlined in this article. What's to stop companies from using your browsing history, gps history and/or the people you hang out with (recurrence of proximity to other tracking sources) to "tweak" your FICO, new or not? The list of sources and calculated outcome impacts are endless.

If protections aren't put in place we need to think about every online act (and we are always online in some way), past and present and how it will impact your unknown future plans. If the banks want this info you know the insurance companies want it too. Imagine auto insurance premiums impacted by how often and/or well you play GTA, or Health premiums impacted by who you hung out with a few too many times as a teen.

It all hurts my head!!! (Crap, that probably affected my rates).

Comment Re:Uh huh. (Score 5, Interesting) 479

Think a little bigger:

"The two men, Ulrich Hackenberg, Audi’s chief engineer, and Wolfgang Hatz, developer of Porsche’s Formula One and Le Mans racing engines, were among the engineers suspended in the investigation of the emissions cheating scandal"

I doubt these gents have been software engineers for a long time.

Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/vw...

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