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Comment Another Casuality of the Lala Acquisition: WOXY (Score 3, Informative) 143

WOXY was the single best radio station I've ever come across to discover great up-and-coming new indie bands. It was a longtime terrestrial radio station that operated out of Cincinnati. When you watch dustin Hoffman annoying the shit of Tom Cruise by incessantly repeating "97X, BAM! the futurrrre of rock-n-roll", he's repeating WOXY's tagline. The station switched over to an internet-based ad-free model in the early 2000s and got into financial trouble. Lala became the station's patron savior, financially keeping the station alive, hoping to parlay its relationship with the station into indie credibility and an instant customer base. It worked too well. When Apple bought Lala there were many that hoped the company would continue to support the station, but alas, Woxy shut down almost immediately after the purchase and has been dead ever since. RIP WOXY.

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