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Comment Re:Adobe complaining about bloat? (Score 3, Interesting) 477

Other than that, I think there are many good usability ideas in smartphone/tablet GUIs which ought to be brought to the desktop. Not the stupid stuff like making a desktop UI look like it was intended to be used with a touchscreen, but doing away with all the superfluous confirmation dialogs. An application should not ask you whether "you really want to quit" you already told it that - instead it should make sure that when you quit nothing bad happens. If you were working on a document but didn't save that yet - then just keep the working copy when the program is closed.

Blender 3D has been doing this for years and the complaints about a missing quit dialog never seem to stop.

Comment Re:Ubuntu this and Ubuntu that (Score 1) 225

Most likely there were no drivers that complied with the debian free software guidelines. This isn't a problem for Ubuntu (and in turn mint) thanks to it being backed by Canonical, but as a more independent project it's considered too risky to include such non-free drivers in debian. It's a trivial problem to work around most of the time, but it has annoyed me in the past, just not enough to switch distros.

Comment Re:lolwut? (Score 1) 510

You do know that the web and the internet aren't the same thing, right? The web was never really supposed to be "more then a bunch of bullet pointed lists." We have/had other protocols for communications. You know, not http. Why don't people use those anymore? Why does everything have to be poorly reimplemented as a web application that never works the same across different browsers and sites?

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