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Comment Re:Configurable (Score 1) 404

As you've demonstrated, "blue shell" mechanics allow new people to play with old hats. The seasoned players, in turn, have to rely on strategy more than brute force.

I enjoy these kinds of mechanics. Playing most games at a certain skill level alienates most other players. This makes it difficult to find other players. Everyone hates playing against "that guy."

Comment Re:Evil. (Score 1) 390

They fought 5 years for it, so i doubt it.

Google fuck you! Tbh all search is pretty equal, i only stick with google because i thought they were generally a pretty good company, even if i can't get the clean results i like from google (because the fucks patented that too), i will most definitely be searching elsewhere!

Stanford University owns the PageRank patent.

Comment Re:Evil. (Score 1) 390

It is the other way around: You patent something so you can publish it, without fear of your competitors. Otherwise you could propose a really good idea, get it established and widely used, patent it and sue world+dog.

A patent is a grant of exclusive rights to an invention in exchange for publishing. You don't acquire a patent so that you can publish something; you publish it so that you can dictate who can't use an invention.

IANAAL in any sense, but it seems to me that the Google front page being so horribly public would count as prior art. Everything I can find indicates that ANY publication in ANY form can constitute prior art.

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