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Submission + - Australian Government tries to force telcos to store user metadata for two years (

AlbanX writes: The Australian Government has introduced a bill that would require telecommunications carriers and service providers to retain the non-content data of Australian citizens for two years of it can be accessed — without a warrant- by local law enforcement agencies.

Despite tabling the draft legislation into parliament, the bill doesn't actually specify the types of data the Government wants retained. The proposal has received a huge amount of criticism from the telco industry, other members of parliament and privacy groups.

Submission + - Google finds vulnerability in SSL web encryption (

AlbanX writes: Google researchers have discovered a vulnerability in a version of the SSL (secure sockets layer) web encryption protocol which allows attackers to break its cryptographic security.

The 'POODLE' attack allows attackers to steal secure HTTP cookies or other bearertokens. CDN provider CloudFlare has already disabled SSL 3.0 by default across its network, and Google said it hopes to do the same in the coming months.

Submission + - Facebook rushes to encrypt data centre links (

littlekorea writes: Facebook's security engineering chief has promised the social network is 'aggressively' working to encrypt links between its data centers, following moves by Google to do the same. Revelations by former US intelligence contractor turned whistleblower Edward Snowden that the NSA was able to tap data center links was incidental, he told journalists today, but "proved we were wearing our tin hats correctly."

Submission + - Aussie A-G wants enforced decryption of govt intercepted user data

Bismillah writes: If Attorney-General Brandis gets his way in the process of revising Australia's Telecommunications Interception Act, users and providers of VPNs and other encrypted services will by law be required to decrypt government intercepted data. Because, "sophisticated criminals and terrorists."

Across the Tasman, New Zealand already has a similar law, the Telecommunications Interception and Computer Security Act. Apparently, large Internet service providers such as Microsoft and Facebook won't be exempt from the TICSA and must facilitate interception of traffic.

Submission + - Is this the biggest rip-off ever built on open source? ( 2

littlekorea writes: Australia's weather bureau has racked up bills of $38 million for a water data system, based on Red Hat Linux, MySQL and Java, that was originally scheduled to cost somewhere between $2 million and $5 million. The Bureau's supplier, an ASX-listed IT services provider SMS Management and Technology, did a good job of embedding itself in the bureau, with all changes having to be made by the original consultant that built it. Smells fishy?

Submission + - Data analysts attempt to predict world's largest music vote, again (

littlekorea writes: Data analysts in the US and Australia have come up with alternative means to predict the world's largest music vote, Triple J's Hottest 100. The Warmest 100 was close to spot on last year after analysts mined data from social posts auto-generated during the voting process. This year, with that avenue shut off, they relied on data extracted using the Instagram API , among others, and hope to achieve similar results.

Submission + - Revealed: The startling array of hacking tools in NSA's armoury (

littlekorea writes: A series of servers produced by Dell, air-gapped Windows XP PCs and switches and routers produced by Cisco, Huawei and Juniper count among the huge list of computing devices compromised by the NSA, according to crypto-expert and digital freedom fighter Jacob Applebaum. Revealing a trove of new NSA documents at his 30c3 address, Applebaum spoke about why the NSA's program might lead to broader adoption of open source tools and gave a hot tip on how to know if your machines have been owned.

Submission + - How Facebook ships software at warp speed (

littlekorea writes: HipHop Virtual Machine engineer Joel Pobar has provided new insights into the software release cycle at Facebook. Among their arsenal — a tool that replays 24 hours of global activity on in under 45 minutes to test changes against production workloads, and another that allows a dev to switch new features into production in one country or demographic to test its uptake. It appears New Zealand is most often the first to experience new features.

Submission + - SAP willing to take a hit to rebuild cloud solutions from scratch (

littlekorea writes: SAP is willing to risk a dip in revenues to rebuild its cloud solutions around its in-memory HANA technology, even if this effort takes over 12 months and blindsides customers of its ByDesign service, which is likely to be left a step behind in any SAP upgrade. SAP has written formal letters to its largest ByDesign customers promising it will continue to provide support.

Submission + - Content filters to be installed on Aussie smartphones, Internet connections 1

Bismillah writes: The opposition Coalition parties which look set to win the next election in Australia, want to install content filters that are turned on by default on smartphones and Internet connections in the country.

This is part of the Coalition's official policy, and phone vendors will be expected to comply. It is possible to opt out of it though, if you prove you're over 18.

Submission + - Criminals use 3D-printed skimming devices on Sydney ATMs (

AlbanX writes: A gang of suspected Romanian criminals is using 3D printers and computer-aided design (CAD) to manufacture “sophisticated” ATM skimming devices to fleece Sydney residents.

One Romanian national has been charged by NSW Police.

The state police found one gang that had allegedly targeted 15 ATMs across metropolitan Sydney, affecting tens of thousands of people and nabbing around $100,000.

Submission + - Seven ways the US Government can access your cloud data (

littlekorea writes: Law enforcement authorities within the US Government have at least seven avenues open to collecting user data from web-based service providers, according to a 90-page report published by the University of New South Wales, law firm Baker & McKenzie and industry partners. Most of these legal instruments do not require a warrant, as they might in other countries.

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