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Comment Re: Slashdot RSS is down (Score 1) 181

If Im not properly navigating the unnecessary intricacies of your shitty software, that not my problem, its yours. This is an Internet forum, not a nuclear submarine. It really doesnt need to be that difficult. In fact, the internet is full of examples of many forums that dont require a special education to operate, proving it is in fact possible.

Comment Re: Slashdot RSS is down (Score 1) 181

I havent been on slashdot in the better part of a decade. I come back to see they are still using the old terrible mobile app. Nothing works, it cant even process commas and quotation marks properly, and it still makes you use HTML notation... on mobile.

I think its safe to say no one over there has given a shit for a long time.

Comment Re: It was a subwoofer with NWA playing (Score 1) 108

By the way, you know, I sit on the stand and itâ(TM)d get hot. I got a lot of â" I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. I love kids jumping on my lap.
- Joe Biden

As a Canadian, I dont know what the hell you guys are doing down there. Trudeau is pretty much a national embarrassment though, so I guess Ill shut up.

Comment Re: The economy is crap (Score 1) 222

> About one in 250, or 0.4%. LOL, why did you link me data for only California? I bet you spent hours looking for the jurisdiction and data that you think best proved your case, and you still fell short.

So 0.4% chance, not even corrected for pre-existing conditions or other health complications? Ya, I think Iâ(TM)ll take my chances, genius.

Comment Re: The economy is crap (Score 1) 222

As you're clearly very self centred, think about it from a selfish perspective: by getting vaccinated your're proactively contributing to getting your normal world back, helping maximise the economy and thus your employment prospects and reducing the chance of a variant coming along that has a higher chance of causing you grief.

Lol, that's ME being self-centered? Take your vaccine and you'll me have my freedom back? Uh... how about fuck off?

And if you think you're safe from COVID-19 because of your age, think again: []

I don't know how your article squares these two things. It says (buried at the end) "More than 350,000 people". Brazil has a population of 250 million, so that's 0.1% of the population - and that's the ENTIRE population, not people under 40. What am I supposed to be afraid of again? I know several people who have gotten COVID and are still alive. It's actually quite possible I already had it too. I was pretty sick in Feb of last year.

If your argument is that I have a 0.1% chance of dying if I don't inject an untested foreign substance into my body, I think I'll take my chances.

Comment Re:The economy is crap (Score 1) 222

How do you know it's not going to destroy your liver in 10 years time?

Wtf kind of logic is this? How do you know you're not going to get hit by a bus tomorrow? I guess you'd better by my one day hit by a bus life insurance policy.

The burden of proof is not on me to show I wont get liver failure if I don't take your vaccine. It's on you to show I will.

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