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Comment Re:quiet mechanical keyboard (Score 2) 452

If you're willing to go ergonomic, and split, spend some money, and do some soldering. Massdrop also does drops of the Ergodox. There are mechanical switch options that don't make all the noise if it's your preference. It lets you customize to your hearts content, and after a little learning-curve, won't be able to stand the idea of going back to something else.

Comment 2 absurdities here (Score 1) 511

There are two glaring absurdities in this ruling: 1) This is making the absurd assumption that NSA wasn't collecting any of this junk prior to 911, let alone that they "could" have done anything about it (if we're going to find this needle, we need MOAR HAY!!!). 2) The question before the court was "is this a constitutional seizure of Americans private information?" not "can we imagine a scenario in which this could have been applied to 911 investigations?". Absurd.

Comment Re:More regulation = less choices (Score 1) 214

Who pays the tax is a matter of price elasticity. When the tax is levied the cost is divided up between all of the parties to the transaction (shareholders, employees, customers). What proportion of the new cost to make transaction is born by which party has everything to do with their relative price elasticities.

Comment Re:You know... (Score 1) 351

I'm a Google customer, I don't pay cash, but I give them tons of personal information from my searches and email that they use as inputs to build their monetize-able products. "Customer" in barter is just as legitimate a relationship. We've done a bit of a disservice by pushing the meme that no cash transfer makes you the product, not the customer. It's more interesting than that.

Late to the party, I know.

Comment Why first amendment (Score 1) 225

I know it's all press-like and maybe you want to publish someday. But wouldn't it make more sense to classify it as 2nd and 4th amendment breach? A camera as reasonable, non-violent armament for defense, and taking/destroying the evidence recorded on it being an unreasonable search and seizure(hell, if not out right evidence tampering)?

Comment Corporations can't don't have "alone time" (Score 1) 387

Trying to fire up my euphemism engine here at work. I think that an individual recording you causes you to think of all the unseemly things that individual might do with pictures of you in their private collection. Law enforcement and corporations are just abstract enough that we can't easily imagine them doing gross things while looking at them. (Just one idea)

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