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Comment Re:Most orgs have to rethink self-management (Score 1) 23

... But the days of putting a box between your company and the internet and forgetting about it are gone...

Those days never existed, or if they did, you were already doing it wrong. A firewall is a living breathing thing, and if you neglect it, it will fail you as surely as you failed it.

Putting it in the cloud does nothing to change that basic fact. And saying it makes it someone else's responsibility is patently bullshit. Even if it WAS their responsibility, it is still YOUR house in front of the fan when the crap starts flying.

Comment Re: Doesn't matter (Score 1) 97

Clinton won because he was not Bush, then Bush won because he was not Clinton (Gore,Clinton... at the time could anyone really tell the difference?) Then Obama won because he was not Bush, won again because McCain was still too close to being Bush and then finally Trump won because he was not Hillary.

So if Biden only wins because he is not Trump then it would seem he is merely honoring a now long-held tradition in American Politics.

Comment Re:Maybe Parents Should Teach Their Own Kids (Score 1) 46

And all those lazy sods having other people grow their food! They should be ashamed of themselves... And don't get me started on those people passing the buck to dentists and not pulling their own teeth like real 'Muricans!

Or perhaps we have realized that with enough resources, specialization is possible, and some people may be brilliant at (for example) farming, but absolute shite at teaching others...

Comment Or... We could decide not to overpopulate (Score 1) 396

It doesn't even have to be anything as drastic as "Population control" and all of the negative connotations tied into the phrase (However much I've started to sympathize with Thanos, none of us can snap our fingers and make it happen.) We don't need to limit the number of allowed births, or taxing second children into oblivion... We don't need to star (or end) a major war.

We *DO* need out governments (and eventually businesses and entire economies) to stop relying on (and thus planning for and promoting) continual growth as a method of survival. Stop relying on having more people in order to have more dollars.

(Unrelated aside - I do notice that those people promoting extreme forms of population control or reduction invariably (even Thanos) are absolutely certain THEY will be among the surviving portion of the population. That fact is not lost on me.)

Comment SAFE Analogy below... (Score 1) 211

To use the standard "Locked in a safe" analogy.. The bad guy has something locked ina safe. The government gets a warrant to see all the things in that safe... So far so good... Now they are mad that the manufacturer of the safe doesn't have the combination to that safe, and won't help the government break into it.

If it were a physical safe they would pay good money to some very skilled locksmith (and wait for them to break into it) and be done with it. But since this is a phone they are raising a stink at having to pay some highly skilled safe cracker and wait for them to open it.

Comment Re:Does this include ... (Score 1) 297

They have these things called WIRES now, which are capable of carrying electricity from one geographical location to another... Would you be terribly surprised to hear that the power you are using right this instant could very well have been generated many many miles from where you are using it?

(More seriously, I know there are transmission costs and line loss, etc. You keep spouting "what about when the sun doesn't shine!" like nobody else has ever thought about it, and refusing to believe any answer anyone provides when you say it again...)

Comment Re:Useless to me, I have an Iphone 6 (Score 1, Informative) 51

So... Average consumer replaces their phone every 18 months now (And that is a "slowdown" from previous... However ridiculous that is!) Yet you are complaining that the latest software won't run on your 5 year old device?

Here is a hint: Your iPhone 6 will keep working just fine. It will keep doing all of the same things it is doing now, pretty much as well as it is doing them now.

Comment Re:What, no good backups? (Score 4, Insightful) 129

In the real world you will find yourself (and every other employee) with all the time in the world to wish you had tested backups. This is not a "nice to have" business want, only important to businesses with the budget to cover it. This is an absolute, do-or-die, kiss the entire business goodbye without it requirement as has been show time and time again.
Or maybe it will happen to *that other guy*

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