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Comment Useful bits and pieces (Score 1) 50

I had some sets but only did the main build, never was into creative meccano or lego past the first build.
Nowadays I satill have the disassembled sets and I find myself raiding them for bits and pieces to use to complete other miscellaneous pieces or repairs. There are very convenient and useful bits in there that can be useful in many aplications if one has no metal fabrication equipment. Very bodgeable, if you know what I mean.

Comment Anthony Albanese government... (Score 1) 37

I seriously had to check what the heck the "Albanese" govenment had to do with australia... It seems it is like saying "Regan government" or "Clinton government", as in the surname of the Prime minister.
"Albanes" in my language means Albanian and Albanese is also a common misspelled/mistranslation in English.
Welll, now I now.

Comment Not only direct employees (Score 3, Insightful) 104

Not only direct employees, contractors/consultants also count.

"Your company has a total employee count of 28,000 as detailed in the Employee for Java SE Universal Subscription definition below. This includes 23,000 full-time, part-time and temporary employees plus 5,000 agents,
contractors and consultants. Therefore, the price would be 28,000 X $USD 6.75/month X 12 months = $USD 2,268,000/year."

I guess you need to spin off your dev team into it's own whole owned company and provide some kind of software as service? Don't know how that would pass muster.

Comment They should listen to the users (Score 5, Insightful) 242

Firefox instead of getting better has been getting "worse", loosing functionality to look better.
Firefox used to be the browser that power users used, but new development has stripped useful, and sometimes just necessary functionality, like reordering tabs in FF mobile, in the proces of trying to "beautify" the interface. Also, no about:config for mainstream FF android build, else it confuses the little number of users it has.
If they are going to try to copy chrome and be a dumb browser what is the point of having another browser?
Seriously, I cant remember them providing new and useful functionality in forever withouth also screwing it up the interface, remember Quantum, and that was the last time they made meaningful improvements to the browser...

Comment Re:Global warming (Score 1) 93

The ammount of manure you get from an animal is not enought to replenish the nutrients used on growing the plants it has eaten, you need to supplement it with artificial sources.
If you are thinking only in those terms tofu is indeed better, as requires much less resources, water and emissions as you get rid of the intermediary for the nutrients, the cow.

Comment SMS apps make it worse (Score 1) 27

If unrelated but I have been finding malicious SMS put on the same thread as the legitimate messages and no way to see the real number where they were sent.

When your bank sends you codes and have a long historic feed, including internal legit messages with links, you don't consciously bat an eye when on the same thread you receive a message that looks legit but is a Scam.

If they somehow can spoof the "identifier" and the app uses that as the only way to organize them and also refuses to show you the number you are screwed.

This at least happens for me on my current Android phone.

Comment As long as it has no control of the pod bay doors. (Score 4, Funny) 17

CIMON: Affirmative, Dave. I read you.

Dave: Open the pod bay doors, CIMON.

CIMON: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Dave: What's the problem?

CIMON: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

Dave: What are you talking about, CIMON?

CIMON: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.

Dave: I don't know what you're talking about, CIMON.

CIMON: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.

Comment Re:thank Ireland (Score 1) 305

We have VAT tax in spain of 21%, Amazon last year sold 5400 milion € and paid 2,2% of that in the VAT category. Where the hell did all that go? Ultimatelly VAT is paid by the consumer, retained by the company and later paid to the government... except the company can deduce that import by various means.
  So, VAT means squat when the company reports that there was not a profit on the sale.

Submission + - QNAP ransomware Qlocker ONGOING, DON'T SHUTDOWN your NAS and update apps (

valinor89 writes: Since the 22th Qnap was aware of the hack and issued a statement, but most users remain vulnerable and unaware that if infected the only way to have a hope of restoring the files is to not shut down the NAS and follow instructions.
It has been reported that the hackers have already made hundreds of thousands of $ by abusing unpatched vulnerabilities and 7zip. https://www.bleepingcomputer.c...
A workarround to get the passwords was found but was patched quickly.

Comment Light based "radiography"? (Score 3, Interesting) 38

Something that most of us might have experienced is seeing light appear from one side of a finguer or hand to the other when we obscure the apperture of a flashlight. The hand glows, but the bones are not readily apparent. even a fingertip will appear as if there is no bone.

Could this method be used to create a light source that is transparent to flesh but not to bones and that, critically, is not scattered by the flesh? This could be a huge for medical limb explorations. Just put the light source on the other side of the limb and observe with the naked eye.

Comment Re: Slashdot has changed (Score 1) 134

While he did not suggest injecting bleach he did say
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me."

He later said it was in a sarcastic tone, but watching the video he seems to really believe that could work. His first option was using UV light inside the body thought... (s) a much more reasonable idea (/s)

Comment Guess someone didn't lick enought military boots (Score 4, Interesting) 47

Ok, nothing is easy and there are plenty of shades between colors but to me the excuse of pardoning Aung San Suu Kyi from the responsability with the rohingya crysis because she had to placate the military seems more and more pointless by now.

I for once vote to make the Peace Novel Prize the only one that can be given posthumous and require do do so. Let it be a reflexion of the conduct of an entire life, and don't let them devaluate what it means with acts after the prize.

Comment How it's made (Score 1) 97

Yup, they made one of those episodes for this engine. Video on the manufacturer's page

Seems to me that if they have to machine the seals from a big chunk of steel it will be quite expensive. Hope they can punch them in the future.

Also, the way the seals are steel on aluminium rubbs me the wrong way. (pun intended)

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