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Comment Re:How to teach programming (Score 1) 709

Lets face it - not every future programmer is cut out for that level of understanding. Those who need it, will learn it. Those who don't can safely ignore it. Teaching as you say would waste a great deal of time for the bulk of future programmers who will probably end up working in higher level languages for their entire careers.

Comment (don't) DDoS the damn media covering this crap (Score 2) 118

The public reaction to the most recent DDoS activities is far more alarming than the DDoSes themselves. Sure, people are trying to silence speech they do not agree with, but the fact that they are successful means these sites need the attention of a network/infrastructure admin, not the media. Once these attacks become irrelevant, they will stop, along with the sensationalist media that has accompanied them. I might be wrong, but I think all this media coverage has just made the problem worse.


Submission + - The Supersonic Car That Could Break 1000 MPH (popularmechanics.com)

tyghe!! writes: "A series of successful rocket tests in the Mojave desert recently marks another step in the development of a car built to reach 1000 mph. The British team Bloodhound Supersonic Car (SSC) is comprised of some legendary land speed experience. Richard Noble was the man behind the Thrust SSC--the car that set the current land speed record. And the man that will slide behind the wheel of the Bloodhound is Andy Green, the former fighter pilot who holds the land speed record for the fastest diesel vehicle in the world (just over 350 mph, back in 2006). Popular Mechanics met with the team recently to get a sense of the scope of the Bloodhound project and the challenges that lie ahead on the road to 1000 mph."

Comment Re:Ideally... (Score 1) 756

Any action without perfect information could be construed as self-destructive. Unfortunately for us, this information obviously isn't available. With this predicament on our hands, I'd like to imagine that the importance to our survival of tasty-fishes is something unimaginably complex and far reaching, which really just means of course, that we'd be fools to care, since just about anything could really lead to our ultimate destruction. However, if we keep eating those tasty-fishes, it might be them disappearing before us, so I figure not being in last place is a good start. So folks eat up those fishes, or in a million years, they might evolve into land-dwelling laser-wielding nuclear-missile-having mermen, and IMHO, that is far from acceptable!

Comment Re:Sound Methods? (Score 1) 324

The parent post is as informative as this post is funny, interesting, or informative. Further demonstration of it's non-informative nature:

Why? Are rats less deserving of our sympathies than "intelligent" humans?


I disagree.

Wouldn't it be /more/ humane to test on those creatures that can give informed consent?


I disagree.

Comment Re:Quit knocking the hacker ethic... (Score 1) 634

Two things:

  * Bad experiences with management, eh? We've all been there. Good management is hard to find, but when you do, latch on and enjoy the ride to success. I appreciate good MBA "drones" because they do a crap ton of the work I don't want to do myself, and regularly put on a face to customer's that I myself just simply could not do sanely as a job.

  * The hacker ethic is good for some parts of some jobs, but it is naive to think it is always superior to an effective process.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
