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Comment Re:I Thought We'd Been Through This? (Score 1) 370

"There's no financial incentive for ISPs or any companies to invest in IPv6"


Carriers are running out of public IPv4 addresses. When they do, they'll have to deploy multi-layer NATs (so called Carrier-Grade NAT (CGN) or Large-Scale NAT (LSN)). This presents a problems for the ISP: Cost. Right now, the ISP don't pay for NAT. Their customers do. With CGN/LSN, the ISP now has to run NAT. That's a financial incentive to deploy IPv6 (with IPv6, there is no need for the ISP to run NAT).

Comment Re:The Whole Point if the Internet... (Score 1) 370

*Sigh* Shouldn't you be embarrassed to be so willfully ignorant of reality?

The whole "no, we're not really running out of IPv4" argument has been thoroughly debunked. The IANA free pool is down to 28 /8s. The IANA allocates, on average, 10 /8s per year. So in roughly three years, the IANA free pool will be depleted. The RIR pools will be depleted roughly 12-18 months after that.

The RIRs do replenish their pool by voluntarily returns of unused address blocks and by revoking address space (usually for failure of payment of membership fees by the address holder). According the ARIN, they have 1.08 /8s of voluntarily returned space, and 85 /16s of revoked space. See this presentation - for more details.

In short, addresses are going out faster than they're coming back.

Comment Re:I still don't like IPv6 (Score 1) 281

Sure IPv6 has it all. But I doubt any ISP will do business any differently with IPv6 than otherwise. In fact, they'll just salivate that any caps will be reached a bit quicker because of the increased IPv6 header size. Mobile operators are probably salivating as well - 5 cents per kilobyte (not kiB), which includes the OTA headers, plus increased IPv6 header size

Could we please stop it with the baseless assertions that the extra 20 bytes in an IPv6 header will cause so many problems? There is no evidence at all to support this claim. The best example of now IPv6 header size is a non-issue is a paper about adding IPv6 support to OpenMPI. The developers investigated potential performance impacts of running MPI over IPv6 in a cluster. They found a whopping 1.4% drop in throughput and no increase in latency (section 4.1). If IPv6 shows such little hit in a such a sensitive environment, I'm very confident that it will work fine in broadband and cellular access networks.

Further, if you were really so concerned with bandwidth, you'd stop using HTML, since it's a remarkably inefficient encoding system.

Comment Re:Admins not adopting IPv6 (Score 1) 102

Well, sort of. ff02::2 is the link-local all routers muticast group. You can ping6 that address to get the link-local address of your router.

Of course, you can also you router advertisements to have your routing table automatically populated. RAs are nice for home networks.

Comment Re:IPv6 - the OS/2 of Networking. (Score 5, Informative) 102

IPv6 is being deployed. For example, this shows the growth in the IPv6 routing table size during 2008:

You can also check out for a list of IPv6-accessible web sites. It's growing weekly.

Google has launched their IPv6 trusted tester program, making many of their services reachable over IPv6.

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