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Comment Asswipes (Score 0) 529

For all those idiots that constantly worry about China "owning" the US because we're all living off a Chinese credit-card. Think about this: If Facebook is sold to the "Chinese" that means money and capital is coming into the US, and it isn't a loan. In fact, basically, if you can sell something that doesn't cost very much to make (Facebook) and is basically a worthless piece of crap for a huge sum of money, you're only reversing any problem with getting loans from China (or from brown people in general).

Comment Re:WHAT? (Score 1) 467

That school that I guess is not going to be named (CMU), they also attempt to have a legitimate software engineering program. While I sorta appreciate the idea of making software engineering a real discipline, it seems like CMU is just a way for the creeps that think theories and writes-up about pair-programming are not weird at all to have a shot at tenure.

Comment Trolling Finally becoming mainstream (Score 0) 231

After seeing that Amy Chua satire-that-really-isn't piece about not letting her kids go outside and now this that worries about the fate of the US once AOL(!!) is in foreign hands the US media is finally trying to beat the forums and blogs at their own game. It's not so much extremism to promote buzz, its just putting so much garbage that people can't look away, so it's a little different than what they usually do.

Comment Re:Software engineer vs. computer programmer? (Score 1) 337

In the US, we license engineers, but they are licensed in specific areas and software engineering ain't one of them. That same licensing system doesn't license train engineers nor operations engineers nor process engineers, all of which are used in industry as titles. The licensing applies to those that practice independently or need to offer "engineering services". it just isn't the same thing and although you might not like it, that's the way it is, So just eat a bowl of dicks you git.

Comment Re:BASIC (Score 0) 709

While "right tool for the job" is a nice sentiment, it is actually one of the easiest things to say for those that know close to nothing and actually have very little knowledge of the available tools. That you would go on about Lisp, and state that it is a functional language and yet NOT a procedural/imperative language pretty much demonstrates you don't know shit about it. Few Lisp dialects are purely functional... and this is exactly why there was actually quite a bit of real world programming done in Lisp (no matter how uncommon in the grand scheme of things).

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 342

Your post is an exquisite cornucopia of fail. "ARM can play..." but "ARM can't". Thinking an iPad is a representative example of all ARM chips or thinking it is representative of anything more than a toolbag's status symbol. Newsflash, numerous ARM SoCs (including those used in mainstream Android phones) include hardware video decoding for MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, and many of these ARM based chips can easily decode MPEG-2 in software and can DMA that to the display.

I would actually be surprised if the iPad couldn't easily decode MPEG-4, because I thought they designed a custom ARM SoC for that thing. But then again, I always assumed it was a piece of shit anyway.

Comment Re:bitcoin (Score 1) 441

O'course, calibrating the exchange rate between bitcoin.v.1 and bitcoin.v.2 would be a fun exercise in applied economic theory...

Or, alternatively, the bitcoins are technically divisible by several places more than is currently supported. Updating the clients for one more decimal place gives you more options.

So much for decentralizing the money-supply, though.

I mean, I just enjoy the rhetoric of "central banks are evil and abusive" (which is true to certain extents), and the solution proposed either a) makes things worse b) replaces that problems with a set of new problems, some of which are worse than the original problems. Yea.

Comment Re:bitcoin (Score 1) 441

Assuming this ever gained momentum: Lovely, so they think they can impose an absolute cap from the outright on Bitcoin currency and not be affected like everyone else by deflation. The ability to increase money supply has proven to be quite necessary (not even bringing in QE2 or the recent BS).. of course if you are convinced that the US is in hyperinflation right now because of some toolbags on Youtube I guess this is an argument not worth having..

And LOL I guess there is an article on their wiki about this very issue.


Comment Re:he's right (Score 1) 680

As the other poster commented: "flawed"? Yeah, I'm going to gather that this is some silly reference to the fact that the quadratic formula as conventionally written is not ideal from a numerical stability and roundoff standpoint when implemented on a finite precision computer. Yeah, man, so you're basically trying to sound cool on slashdot by veiling a superficial knowledge of a piece of numerical computation trivia in some meaningless (in this context) "photon flux" bullshit. +9000 Internets for you.

Trying to equate a reality of finite numerical computation to the accuracy of a general formula doesn't go very far in proving any point about an understanding of math.


ITC Investigates Xbox 360 After Motorola Complaint 71

FlorianMueller writes "The US International Trade Commission, which is increasingly popular as a patent enforcement agency, voted to investigate a complaint filed by Motorola against Microsoft last month. Motorola claims that the Xbox infringes five of its patents. In October, Microsoft complained against Motorola, alleging patent infringement by its Android-based smartphones. Apple, Nokia and HTC are also involved with ITC investigations as complainants and respondents. A new one-page overview document shows the ongoing ITC investigations related to smartphones and the products that the complainants would like to have banned from entry into the US market. The good news is that any import bans won't be ordered until long after Christmas. The ITC is faster than courts, but not that fast."

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