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Comment Re:"In Soviet Union ..." gag is very very true (Score 1) 174

Not only that but it's trivial to enable access, and revoke that access. It used to be quite burdensome to freeze your credit, no longer, lists the three Credit Bureaus and has good info on what a freeze is vs fraud alert.

Comment Re:Blue Lives Matter (Score 1) 76

Setting the politics aside... what would you suppose the department of public safety should do when / if a firefighter loses their life? APB for a red hot flame last seen in the vicinity of 100 main st while consuming a building? The obvious use of the alert is to let the public know (in this instance) the Joker just killed / injured a police officer and you may want to be on the alert for said purple Plymouth so you can possibly let the authorities know where the Joker is heading.

Comment Re: Does it matter? (Score 4, Insightful) 280

I'm not a republican or a democrat. I think I used to be a liberal, but now find I'm considered a centrist or a libertarian depending on whos lens i'm view through. TBH, i'm not sure what the hell I am.

Quite a few other things are pretty obvious to me beyond those two topics but in the end it doesn't matter, I'm not here to convert anyone. I just don't see how anyone could actually look in the mirror and call themselves a democrat at this point. Ok, you hate trump and the republicans and further right wing people. I get it, but I don't see the blatant voter schannagins that this party has been exposed of.

Getting aid from other countries to tweak or do something relevant to a parties interest, I'm sure both are guilty of (we also interfere in lots of other countries as well, so you might call that just the nature of the beast, lots of groups that self identify are going to help each other, it doesn't matter what country they come from. Just look at any hard leaning left or right ultra rich person from some other country and see what groups they fund...everyone has an agenda).

For the democrats though....Its quite another doing it so blatantly on the domestic side, and its not specious allegations, look at any voter party heat map and look at the upsets and you tell me. This isn't mental gymnastics stuff, its more like occams razer stuff.

I don't know what the hell I am any longer either, all I do know is to the Republicans I'm a RINO when I don't with them, and to the Democrats, I'm either a racist or a bigot, or I'm homophobic or transphobic, or I'm a misogynist or an islamophobe, and quite possibly I'm just an idiot when I don't agree with them. Why can't I just disagree with some of your political views without having every hateful epithet one can think of hurled at me for doing so?

Comment Re:Typical Obamabot revisionist history (Score 1) 355

Careful there they live in their own world, don't upset that too much with logic and facts. What I don't get (being a State Govt employee myself) is why they are getting the 'furlough' pay back? I've been Furloughed one day a month (Up to recently here where we've gone to 1/2 a day a month) essentially since Obama took office. I won't be getting that pay back, ever, that's why it's called a 'furlough'... What the Fed govt employees got essentially was a PAID VACATION at OUR EXPENSE! Think about it, they got X number of days off, and they are getting that pay back... how in the Hell is that a 'furlough'??? What I really don't get is why it seems NO ONE ELSE HAS FIGURED THIS OUT YET...

Comment RHEL / SLES (Score 1) 627

Yeah I'm complaining about the options... Where the $$$ is, yes granted many use CentOS or OpenSUSE but dammit when the $hit hits the fan and my 'google-fu' is more like 'google - F#$k Y0u' it's sure nice to be able to call up one of the tier three dolts and immediately get passed to tier two support as I've obviously blown through the 'support tree' that they are working off of and have someone who knows at least as much (if not more usually) than I fix my problem before half of the management staff is crowded into my office. Some of us use Linux for real work, just sayin...

Comment Re:I do this currently.. (Score 5, Informative) 278

I also do not have the config in front of me, but mosaic is what you are looking for in your xconfig. Bit of googling ( on that should point you in the right direction. And yes once configured it's as 'easy as Windowz...'

Comment Re:we ditched vmware for xenserver 2 years back... (Score 2) 86

I run in what I'd say is a small shop, we have 21 sites the smallest of which have two hosts 13 'guests' with 12TB of shared storage. Our average site has four hosts, 22 'guests' and 48TB of storage (almost ready to double those as they are nearly full). The two data centers each have 11 hosts, over 100 hosts (virtual sprawl I'll admit I'm losing count and that's a bad thing) and 120TB of storage each. For VMWare with that many nodes we were looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars that no one wanted to spend. We switched to XEN roughly two years ago, in that time I've had one issue that I was literally able to 'google' the answer to before our Linux vendor responded to the support request. Yes you can get support for XEN from any of the big guys, and guess what, at least for the distro we use support for XEN is included. For us VMWare couldn't touch that with a ten meter cattle prod. Oh I manage all of that with one 'console', and no not one per site, one console to rule them all (ha had to sneak that in there). Was it free as in beer, sure, but that caused us to learn what we run rather than just poke buttons and call for support the instant something (anything) goes even slightly awry as I've seen others running competing solutions do.

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