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Comment They are doing no such thing (Score 4, Informative) 63

What Apple might bring, is the ability to create an application that runs on either device. But that application will have to be developed to explicitly support both, macOS and iOS devices. It will have to be able to handle a UI with either mouse or touch.

In essence, there will be one entry in the App Store and if you download the app you'll get the variant suitable for your device.

A Mac will not be able to just run any old iPad app.

Source ... well, just ask anyone with a clue about macOS/iOS development.

Comment Re:My problem with HEIC (Score 1) 271

Nothing other than iStuff knows what to do with it. It's fine, but right now it's inconvenient, so JPG it is.

Does HEIC support transparent backgrounds? That's the only real shortcoming of JPG that has fostered the growth of PNG.

In short, yes, HEIC does support alpha planes in addition to many other things.

Comment Re:Done correctly it would work. (Score 1) 247

Actually, if you look at the sample code given to iOS app developers, they're definitely NOT doing it right design-wise. Everything's basically mashed together and depends on everything else.

Um... what?

I read that as "I didn't understand Apple's software architecture, therefore it must be crap".
Yeah, well, that does not follow.

Comment Re:Anyone unfamiliar with how things currently wor (Score 1) 247

Unfortunately, what you write is just not true.

MacOS does not support arbitrary scaling. While the graphics system was built on Postscript, non-integral scaling factors turned out to bring too many problems. Fortunately, the technological progress in screen technology made high DPI-monitors possible and so Apple decided to stick with integral scaling factors. This is why all early Retina-displays exactly double the dimensions of older displays.

This works exactly the same way on macOS as on iOS btw.

For intermediary resolutions, macOS maintains a higher resolution backing store and uses graphics hardware to scale down the resulting image.

Comment Re:Who's still going native? (Score 1) 54

I mean you gotta be pretty masochistic both as a developer and a company if you develop apps in a native language. There may be some reasons to write parts of the app in a native way but then go for C so these portable. For anything else use Javascript.

Good god! Why would you torture yourself with Javascript when you could use Swift instead?

Comment Re:Question about Apple machines (Score 2) 119

If I buy an Apple laptop or desktop, must I create an Apple account to use my machine?

No, you don't have to.

Can I not simply buy it, create an admin account and user account and go to work?

Yes, you can.

That said, there is support built into the system for several of Apple's services. And since the account itself doesn't cost you anything and you get some entry level services for free, there's really not much reason to not create one.

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