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Comment Re:Correlation does not imply causation (Score 2) 223

So you're saying it was done so they can beg for funds to do the "real" study.

You can manipulate statistics to show a link between just about any pair of variables. Massage this. Try a dozen different formulas to calculate significance. And tada! You have the link you were digging for.

The article I read about this study this morning stated: "But after accounting for all lifestyle factors, the researchers found the link to dementia was statistically insignificant." Despite their best efforts, I'm sure. Yet the clickbait headline and lead still blare out "dementia!!"

Comment Re:Don't be stupid... (Score 1) 620

Well, when the 10th person is China, who has no inclination to stop spewing CO2 no matter what, what option is there other than adapt? Nuke China?

The USA is doing admirably in reducing CO2 emissions (thanks in good part to fracking). Any government-induced suffering to reduce it further, when we know for a fact that said efforts will pale in comparison to the increases of other global actors, is idiotic.

Comment Re:Don't be stupid... (Score 1) 620

One of the reason why coal is dying as an industry, and will continue to do so not matter what the Trump Administration does, is that natural gas is inexpensive and natural gas plants are replacing coal plants.

Look at that - free-market forces doing good for the environment! Fracking is probably the most environmentally beneficial advancement of the last 50 years, and it was entirely driven by private forces. Used to be the natural gas trapped in shale was too expensive to harvest to be viable. Then fracking was perfected. Now it's a boon of unparalleled cleaner energy.

Private industry will do the same for solar and wind, if solar and wind can be developed in such a way that it's cost effective. The government needs not lift a finger, especially with the way it's proven to be almost entirely corrupt when it does.

Comment Re:Your plan? (Score 1) 620

No carbon cap plan caps CO2 enough to make anything but a negligible impact. It'll cost a trillion dollars to curb .1 of a degree. I read somewhere that if we stopped all fossil fuel extraction TODAY and just burned what we already had on-hand, we'd still not reduce CO2 enough to make an impact. No plan is viable to the task at hand.

Our only option is to adapt to the inevitable change.

Comment Re:Liberals and willful ignorance (Score 3, Informative) 247

Well, the Republicans control Congress and the purse strings, so you tell me who's responsible? We had surpluses under Clinton. As soon as Bush took office, that changed quickly.

We had surpluses under Clinton up until the bubble burst. The government ran deficits the last three years Clinton was in office. The projections of surpluses going on forever were all based on fantasy.

Submission + - Paris climate deal fails everyone

BillCable writes: Whether you're a climate change "denier" or a catastrophic global warming true-believer, the Paris climate deal should get your blood boiling. For those who see global warming as a hoax, the Paris deal is a hugely expensive boondoggle to address a problem that's either overblown or doesn't exist. For those who feel immediate action is necessary to avert global catastrophe, the deal will prompt virtually no genuine carbon emission reductions. In fact, pledges by both China and India to reduce emissions fall short of their projected carbon reductions absent any agreement.

China, for its part, offered to reach peak carbon-dioxide emissions “around 2030” while reducing emissions per unit of GDP by 60-65 percent by that time from its 2005 level. But the U.S. government’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory had already predicted China’s emissions would peak around 2030 even without the climate plan. And a Bloomberg analysis found that China’s 60-65 percent target is less ambitious than the level it would reach by continuing with business as usual.

Comment Re:The problem with "get there first" (Score 0) 239


Scientists estimate the asteroid belt also contains more than 750,000 asteroids larger than three-fifths of a mile (1 km) in diameter and millions of smaller ones.

I don't predict a shortage in the foreseeable future. By the time we run out, we'll have moved on to other solar systems.

Comment Re:The problem with "get there first" (Score 1) 239

Wow - you jumped right over to space war pretty quick.

Given the vast, nearly limitless quantity of uninhabited asteroids, I don't think we'll ever see a scenario where men in space suits are going to be shooting lasers at each other to defend their claims. As soon as we have the tech to mine one asteroid, we'll have the tech to mine thousands of them. The scarcity won't be due to a dearth of asteroids. There will be some that are a lot easier to get to than others, but you're not going to be up there shooting away your competition.

Comment Re:Hardly A Technical Problem (Score 2) 173

There's not enough nuclear fuel to do that. We have enough uranium for 200 years at CURRENT consumption rates. If you build 10 times the current number of nuclear plants, you'll only have 20 years worth of fuel.


It would require other mystical technological advancements for all-nuclear to be a viable option.

Comment Re:Highest Profit (Score 1) 712

From FBI statistics:

Nationwide, law enforcement made an estimated 12,196,959 arrests in 2012.

So out of 12 million arrests, there were 602 suspects killed (statistics from Wikipedia). That a 1-in-20,000 "failure" rate. Sure, we'd prefer a perfect performance by our law enforcement officers, but given that I'm sure many of those 602 suspects engaged in life-threatening resistance, 1-in-20,000 isn't all that bad. I'd conclude the training is pretty effective.

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