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Comment Re:Common sense says... (Score -1) 417

So they're too stupid to use the opt-out request feature. And I thought asians were so good at stuff like tech and maths. Fucking bullshit. They sure as shit know how to chase money with lawyers tho. Fuck you Japan. Go back to shooting sex videos of children and jerk off to another fine "japanese tradition". Or try sepaku.

Comment Re:Tron 1.0 (Score 0) 412

20 minutes - 2 production companies did 10 minutes each aprox - with a couple of others doing some pick-up here and there.

Comment Re:I loved the original, but.. (Score 0) 412

Iso's were Tron Legacy's midichlorians. Supposed to be a big deal - turns out to be nothing important.

Hey there's these neat new life forms that could change everything! - oh but they're all dead - never mind.

Wait I have one left, but she's basically a retard.

And she's supposed to change everything?

Well you can take her out and she'd be a person!

Which isn't a new form of life anymore - earth has plenty of "persons".

Um - she's in 3D!

Comment Re:purposely done (Score 1) 412

re: " I half expected them to start dropping light walls out of their asses."

Where were you during the outline session in the script-pit - that's actually a kind of awesome idea right there. "Pbbbbt - aiiiiiiiigh (de-rezzy breaky sounds) - oh sorry".

Elevator rides in Tron Legacy would be epic.

Comment Re:"awesomely bad 80s graphics" (Score 0) 384

Pacing mostly. The only complain I can lob (apart from some flatter-than flat acting), is the pacing is sloooooowwww in the first. And wow - the ADD generation would never sit still for it today. In fact, there's a quite good fan-made trailer for Tron that shows what modern pacing applied to it (in trailer form) would look like :


Comment Re:misguided attack (Score 0) 392

Hey what a great idea - I'm not going to eat at McDonald's either. I'm sure they will call me to help keep their company from going out of business too. Boy - will they find a great set of demands to meet before I eat there again. Yep. Phone's going to ring any second now.

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