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Comment Re:Please give the President some slack (Score 1) 332

Trump: And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?
You: He neither asked a question nor issued a command.

That is 100% indisputably phrased as a question. So you are just outright lying at this point.

And reckless? As you just stated he did not suggest the general public try it. If they got that impression they got it from the media, who misrepresented his comment and claimed he was giving that instruction. So wouldn't that be reckless on the part of the media?

It was a stupid question. So what? Should the media be obsessing over a stupid question for weeks?

Comment Can we address something here... (Score 1) 292

The post office sends people to every house every day, often in a gas-powered vehicle, to stuff your mailbox full of paper waste. You then take this paper waste and throw it in either the recycling bin or trash can, where the government has someone else come pick it up in an even larger gas-powered vehicle once a week to haul it off. Why are we still doing this other than "it's a jobs program"?

Comment Re: He said scientists should look into the concep (Score 1) 292

Ok, so the scientists won't do the study. Why is this such a big deal? You think he's going to say something in a press briefing and all of the scientists are going to drop what they're doing and unquestioningly do what he said?

Also, does this mean we're changing the accusation from him instructing normal people to run off and inject Lysol to now he's just instructing scientists to waste their time? Can we get the accusation straight?

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