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Comment Except that cases were much earlier (Score 1) 394

This study looks like BS, and I did not see any real peer review.
There is evidence that suggest that the outbreak may have started a early as October 2019, and not November for starters.
This does not mean it started in the lab, or at a market. In fact I heard one unproven theory that animals used in testing sometimes end up in the Wet market due to unscrupulous mangers/employees at the lab.
Much cheaper to dump the Lab Animals in the market then to properly dispose of them. Plus you make a few coins along the way.

I do not think we will really know the truth since China has been highly involved in muddying the waters to try to save face.

Comment Re:I like it (Score 3, Insightful) 80

We need 100% re-usable rockets for point-to-point travel on earth and into space. The more companies, the better. Interesting that the AMOS conference is in Maui, considering Hawaii allowed a small minority of anti-science people block the Thirty-Meter Telescope. Not sure how Hawaii got tricked into believing that a majority of native Hawaiians .. who descend from people who navigated by stars wouldn't want to see what's out there deep in the heavens.

They were native Hawaiians that were protesting the building of telescopes on their sacred lands.
Unfortunately Haleakala is one of the best spots on Earth for large telescopes.
They were not anti-space.

Comment Looking for 5 years of Windows 11 experience (Score 1) 170

A few weeks ago I saw an Add posted for a Desktop Engineer with 5 years of windows experience. I would bet that they hired an H1B Visa applicant.
Also I was already hired at my current job, and after being hired my resume was rejected by HR by their automated software. So I was not called back by HR to come in and do the new hire paperwork. After 2 week my new boss called me pissed off that I had not reported for work yet.

So as always HR needs to really just go back to just doing pay and benefits, and get out of the hiring process with the exception of verifications.
That and get managers out of meetings, and doing real work managing their teams.

Comment Re:Does $0.001 sound right for a share of PayPal? (Score 1) 315

Just saying this was all kinds of wrong, but since they had not gone public yet he may never have broke a law. Unless the venture money behind PayPal had valued the company or a federally insured bank at a set price. The IRS does not really have the resources to go after this unless it is a slam dunk, and even then we are talking a lot of blow back just the same.

Comment Re:The primary advantage to working in an office i (Score 1) 222

This has been shown to be incorrect time and again by more studies then anyone can name. To be fair there have been a few questionable studies that say otherwise. Even the same old talking points used for the last 20 years are being used in mark-t post..
While some people do thrive in an office environment most don't, and actually hate them. From Cube farms to open concept they all seem to suck and make you feel like boss is watching every move you make so he can waste time questioning it. (Although I don't get creeped out by Cameras or the Boss watching me many do, I just hate all the interruptions in the office)
While a lot of Micro Managers, and control freak managers and supervisors love the office because they think this gives them a measure of control over their workers. They tend to believe this makes their workers more productive when in fact they are not. To be fair this is not true for all the remote workers it is true for the majority. A case in point my wife was 30% more productive working from home and was offered that as permanent location, but the down side is she has confiscated my home office for her work. So now my next house has to have room for two offices. (I work on workstations, switches, and servers with my hands so working from home is not really an option)

As far as events are concerned they don't really hold an value to the company with the exception of the narcistic personality type that want to put them on. And they can be done remotely just like companies with sites all over the globe do. In my opinion most events just get in the way of productivity, and just don't add any value when measured against productivity loss.

Comment Verify? (Score 1) 137

We still need other researchers doing additional experiments to Verify the results.
But it does not look good for the EM drive.
I learned a long time ago to never trust a research paper without outside verification, especially verification outside the scientific publishing world.
When you create a climate of publish or perish then you also create a climate of corruption and scams.
Nuff said

Comment Re:Don't do that (Score 1) 119

This google is not the google of their founders envisioned.
The old google would try to go the distance on services. Then came the spectacular failure of google glass. This brought upset with the hedge fund managers and Larry Page, & Sergey Brin were out after struggling with the board and investors and Sundar Pichai was in.
Sundar Pichai will not rock the boat and will kill a new Tech baby before it takes its first breath.
The old google motto: Do no evil!
The new Google motto should be do what ever makes our masters tons of money, and kill what threatens that.

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