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Submission + - Snowden Joins Twitter, Follows NSA (securityweek.com)

wiredmikey writes: Edward Snowden joined Twitter Tuesday, picking up more than a quarter of a million followers on the social network in just over two hours.

Snowden followed a single Twitter account: the US National Security Agency, from which he stole electronic documents revealing the agency's secret surveillance programs.

"Can you hear me now?" he asked in his first tweet, which was quickly resent by Twitter users tens of thousands of times.

In his second, Snowden noted the recent news about the planet Mars and then quipped about the difficulty he had finding asylum after the US government fingered him as the source of the NSA leaks.

"And now we have water on Mars!" he wrote. "Do you think they check passports at the border? Asking for a friend."

Submission + - Carly Fiorina: I Supplied HP Servers for NSA Snooping

Motherfucking Shit writes: According to an article at Motherboard, shortly after 9/11, NSA director Michael Hayden requested extra computing power and Carly Fiorina, then CEO of HP, responded by re-routing truckloads of servers to the agency. Fiorina acknowledged providing the servers to the NSA during an interview with Michael Isikoff in which she defended warrantless surveillance (as well as waterboarding) and framed her collaboration with the NSA in patriotic terms. Fiorina’s compliance with Hayden’s request for HP servers is but one episode in a long-running and close relationship between the GOP presidential hopeful and US intelligence agencies.

Submission + - Edward Snowden joins Twitter and is only following one account - the NSA (ibtimes.co.uk)

Ewan Palmer writes: Whistleblower Edward Snowden has joined Twitter. Snowden, who is currently in exile in Russia after helping to expose the US National Security Agency's (NSA) mass surveillance techniques on its citizens, revealed himself on twitter by asking "Can you hear me now?"

According to Intercept, the @Snowden handle was already taken by someone who had not used their account in three years, so Twitter handed the name over the whistleblower.

Submission + - Edward Snowden promotes global treaty to curtail surveillance

An anonymous reader writes: in a video appearance Edward Snowden said Domestic digital spying on ordinary citizens is an international threat that will only be slowed with measures like a proposed international treaty declaring privacy a basic human right. "This is not a problem exclusive to the United States.... This is a global problem that affects all of us. What's happening here happens in France, it happens in the U.K., it happens in every country, every place, to every person," he said.

Comment Re:Oh boy... Nuclear! (Score 1) 121

Yes. Electricity is bought and sold in long term contracts and short term spot markets with a full range of future markets and price hedging. The spot market for peak power on a hot summer day occasionally exceeds the retail price that fixed rate consumers pay. The prices vary yearly to hourly. Some contracts are for peak power for five minutes. Check this out for a primer in electricity markets.

Comment Re:Oh boy... Nuclear! (Score 2) 121

OK, this is the politics thing I mentioned earlier. Your power rates shouldn't be the same 24/7 since the electric utility pays a vastly different rate for power depending on supply and demand. If they passed these changes on to you, there would be incentives for you to make choices that would be beneficial to the operation of the power grid so that it would require less peak generating capacity, i.e. fewer power plants. If you had variable power rates you could save money by doing laundry in the late evening. You could program your hot water heater to heat the water during the night when it could. You could charge your car in the pre-dawn hours. If you insisted on doing these things during the peak load period you would pay extra to help defray the cost of the extra generating capacity.

Comment Re:Oh boy... Nuclear! (Score 3, Interesting) 121

Not a massive "if" at all. Here is how it works. You buy an electric car and keep it plugged in. You charge it when energy costs are low, and SELL electricity back to the grid when rates are high. This is assuming you want to make some spare cash while your car is parked. Most cars will be out driving during at least part of the daylight hours when solar power is being generated. As the sun goes down the car can sell some of its leftover power while demand is still high but solar power is unavailable. The battery will be recharged later in the night when demand for power is down but power is still being generated by fixed output sources like coal, nuclear, and geothermal plants.

No one is forced to participate. If you want to make some cash you sign up for this. If you imagine even half of the electric cars participating in this program, you have a massive power storage grid. And there are more electric cars being built every day.

Second, the political barriers in the power grid involve power companies cooperating to maintain power availability. This isn't an insurmountable problem. This is really different from the political issues that surround the construction of nuclear plants.

Comment Re:Oh boy... Nuclear! (Score 4, Interesting) 121

A whole new power grid is probably where we are headed. Tesla is cranking up its battery business precisely for this reason. If every home had a car or two with a battery that could be tapped for grid supplementation, the grid can be very dependable. And don't forget at least part of the US has huge hydro plants that can be kicked in when needed to balance the grid to demand. The barriers here are only political. The timeline to make these changes makes the timeline for nuclear power seem positively glacial.

A new nuclear power plant takes decades to plan and construct. Wind and solar can be implemented in a few years, depending on the scale of the individual project. Why would we subsidize a nuclear plant that would take decades when we can have new wind or solar up and running in a few years?

Comment Re:Oh boy... Nuclear! (Score 5, Insightful) 121

Your item two is in serious conflict with item one. How can nuclear energy be part of our nations power supply if the industry is responsible for the total end costs. The article explains that at a cost of 19 cents/kwh no one will build any nuclear power plant since solar and wind can be built for much less. So, really, if nuclear isn't subsidized, it isn't going to happen.

Nuclear power has always depended on subsidies and it can't survive without those subsidies. It is just too expensive and it seems unlikely that there will be any serious change in the economic arena.

Comment Re:Why the hate? (Score 2) 286

I have read the WSJ since about 1960. And no, I didn't hear it from a college Professor. I'm offering my opinion, which is a little different than "stating that definitely". Determining bias is always a little subjective, but I suspect your college professors would agree.

How about you? Have you read it?

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