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Comment Early Detection (Score 2, Interesting) 264

The most beneficial thing we could do is build a system to detect such asteroids as early as possible. Once located, it's easy to deflect an asteroid that's far away. A small nudge or impact from a probe or the like would push it out of an intercept course while it's still far away. The closer it gets, the more force is required to push it off at an angle that will keep it out of our way. It may take a few newtons of force to deflect an astroid coming in from as far away as saturn, but much more to deflect an asteroid that's already close to mars.

I guess in simpler terms, if we had a really awesome early detection system, all we need is a small rocket launched from the ISS to impact it, wheras with a crappy system, we need Bruce Willis.

Comment Re:And those who onlyTHINK they would be superhero (Score 4, Interesting) 419

Have you ever read a comic book before, let alone a movie? Almost every issue you've raised is addressed in some story or another from Superman rejecting his power (the world is promptly asked to kneel before Zod). The first thing Peter Parker does is act for self gain and he sees that his family is promptly met with demise. In the watchman, Dr. Manhattan quickly becomes indifferent, while Ozymandias quickly decides that the ends justify the means. Honestly, I think we already know all of the possibilities if we look at all of the alternate universes humanity has scribed that contain such people. In the end it really comes down to the personality of the person wielding the power.

It's really not so much different from becoming a public official. Do you vote to ban cable competitors from your district in return for Comcast financing your re-election? Well, you believe that the health care initiative you're trying to pass is for the greater good so you have to be there to get it through. So you take the money, but then they ask you to sign ACTA. But think of the children without health care. Some people will stick to their virtues and others will fall into corruption. If my both the study and my analogy are correct, then yes, the slide into corruption is slippery indeed.

Comment House did it... (Score 1) 456

There's an episode where House shows a guy how to do the deed and do the least damage to his organs so he can donate them to his son. I forget why there was a sense of urgency. In any case, I forget if and how it all worked out as well. Certainly not something to be replicated in this situation. There's no TV magic to make it all work out IRL.

Comment Re:What about men? (Score 1) 175

There actually are places out there where you can get paid a premium on your donation if you fulfill certain characteristics. While SAT scores don't typically fetch higher prices, a man's profession can fetch them higher values particularly if they are a doctor or lawyer. Racial or ethnic background can add to the value as the price paid for the specimen depends on what has a high demand at the bank.

Comment Re:Fuck exceptions for religion (Score 1) 615

although to be honest, in that case your violation doesn't harm anyone else

While you would think not, it depends on the circumstances. In the states, or specifically in my state, Virginia, insurance is required (mostly) and seat belts are required. The reasoning being that despite the fact that while I don't care so much if a person kicks the bucket because they swerved into a tree while not wearing a seat belt, the fact is you are a lot more likely to sustain serious injuries while not wearing a seat belt. Whether it is inflicted by the non-seat-belt-wearer or by someone that hits that person, an insurance company is going to have to pay a large bill. Then when they run the numbers to see how much they should charge everyone, the premiums go up because the company will certainly not carry the risk caused by non-seat-belt wearers. So in the end, someone elses decision to not wear a helmet or seat belt may harm your wallet. In any case, that's how it was explained to me that people should wear seat belts or helmets (by law) even though the first thought is that it will only harm themselves.

Comment Re:USAA has been doing this for years (Score 2, Interesting) 494

The only reason for mailing here is that USAA doesn't have physical branches in every state but is still available there. Of course to remedy that you can deposit@home with a scanner as I have for two years without any issues. Also, they credit your account instantly as well. Then when you need to go to an ATM and you get charged fees for using one that isn't in your banks network, they pay fee on your behalf. Overall, I would rate them very successful as far as doing everything I used to do at my physical bank, except the convenience is better. Now why would someone use a bank that they can't physically go to? Personally, I do it for the customer service. I'm not sure exactly how their banking branch is, but their insurance branch is owned by the policy holders, which I also am a member of and the service there is what convinced me to use them as my financial institution. Either way, they've proved to me that there are many less reasons to need a physical bank now.

Comment the goatsenet (Score 1) 263

If I'm feeling like a real jerk, I'll name my SSID to goatsenet and forward to goatse, msn to lemonparty and so on. If enough people do this, in the future, simply naming your network goatsenet will be deterrent enough.

Comment Re: Donating to Science (Score 1) 793

Donating to science does not equal donating your organs to the living who needs them. Obviously it's great to give your parts away to the needy, but in the case that they are no good, a donation to science can mean that your body will end up in a university med school or biology department where organs can be used for research or an entire body may be preserved and dissected by young people who will hone their examination and surgery skills on you. Either way, lives are likely to be saved as the end result.

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