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Comment Re:Since its a redirect... (Score 3, Informative) 116

this is how it shows up in my apache logs:

r00t.me.tld.fail:80 x.x.x.x - - [20/Dec/2010:23:04:08 +0000] "GET /?v=1292886248174 HTTP/1.1" 200 1888 "http://d0z.me/worker.js" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/8.0.552.215 Chrome/8.0.552.215 Safari/534.10"
r00t.me.tld.fail:80 x.x.x.x - - [20/Dec/2010:23:04:11 +0000] "GET /?v=1292886251634 HTTP/1.1" 200 1888 "http://d0z.me/worker.js" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/8.0.552.215 Chrome/8.0.552.215 Safari/534.10"

Comment Re:This is why we vote Pirate (Score 1) 343

Here's the kicker. Every major city in the US has got just as much CCTV surveillance as London! Yes, you're "spied on" just as much in New York as you are in London, and you've got armed police ready and willing to shoot you, too. It must be awful living in the US, with that constant threat over you all the time.

There's a local station near where I live in northern england. It serves a small rural town, has two platforms, a carpark and a ticket office. How many CCTV cameras does it have?


see for yourself:


Submission + - Digital Act To Create Pirate ISPs In UK (eweekeurope.co.uk)

scurtis writes: British anti-copyright group, Pirate Party UK, has predicted that Pirate ISPs will spring up across the country — promoting online privacy and allowing users to share files anonymously — in response to draconian file-sharing proposals outlined in the Digital Economy Act. The news follows reports that the Pirate Party in Sweden (PiratPartiet) will launch the world’s first “Pirate ISP”. The move is designed to curb the use of online surveillance in the country, and combat what PiratPartiet describes as the “big brother society”.

Submission + - Are You A Pirate? (amiapirate.org)

Ajehals writes: "With both the Labour & Conservative Parties set on criminalising more than 7 million people in the UK, it's time to ask "Am I a Pirate too?". amiapirate.org gives people the opportunity to raise awareness that piracy, as it is commonly referred to doesn't seem to nvolve ships anymore and is a term that in the UK can be applied to people doing rather reasonable things..."

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