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Comment Great idea but limited (Score 1) 175

I think it's a great idea to make error reporting easier. I recently experienced an oops but didn't report it because there was no immediate way to do it. However relying on a framebuffer being present is a mistake, in my case it was on an embedded headless system, and framebuffers generally are available only on desktops which are far from being the majority of Linux usage.

Comment Re:Solution: (Score 1) 157

It seems so but it is a large pool of highly radioactive water. I wasn't sure so I did the math:

Seawater contains about 12Bq/L of radioactivity naturally and this spill contains 230MBq/L, that's a factor of nearly 20 million. Bringing this back to the total volume of the oceans (around 1.3x10^21L), this spill has a radioactivity equivalent to around 1/650 millionth of the ocean's contents.

At first glance one in 650 million might not seem like a lot, but several other spills have already happened, and a very large amount of water is not even contained at all and directly spilled in the ocean or underground. It won't remain unnoticed if we keep this up for too long.

Comment Re:TPB legit? (Score 1) 97

No, according to the decision hyperlinking is allowed as long as it does not communicate the work to a new public. Linking to protected work in a way that would make it available to a new public (torrent files make stuff available to people that is not otherwise available to them) would not be concerned by this decision.

Comment Too much white space (Score 3, Insightful) 237

Don't waste so much space everywhere. There are less articles per page, less comments, suddenly the line spacing is doubled, there is a blank column on the right of the comment page ... This makes browsing the site less comfortable. It also loses identity and looks like any generic flat UI news website.

Comment Re:God needed? (Score 1) 337

1) There is not necessarily a beginning to all things. Weird things happen when we come close to the big bang, and time might exist only within our own "bubble".

2) Event the causality principle is not something that is 100% certain

3) Prolongating the reasoning, what caused the first-cause? What makes it exempt from the need for a cause ? Why does everything else need a cause ?

4) Assuming that first-cause exists, absolutely nothing says it would be the same thing as what religions call "god".

Comment Re:you have the source (Score 1) 566

What if the numbers returned by RdRand are actively engineered to subvert the output of the RNG ? For example if it returns the value with which it is going to be XORed, like someone suggested? It is not impossible since the CPU basically has access to everything.

I'm no cryptanalyst but it seems that the assumption that mixing sources can only improve the entropy is valid only if there can be no correlation between these sources. If one source has access to the internal state of the RNG, it's not the case any more.

Comment Re:What wrong with you, (US) folks ? (Score 1) 536

Do you think the reaction would be any different in another part of the World, say Europe? Actually it takes place in the UK too, as revealed by the Guardian. And the silence of many European governments on the subject, with the notable exception of Germany, suggests that those countries are doing that too, but the public reaction is minimal. Citizens of the Western World keep electing people who lie to them, defraud them, exploit them for the benefit of an elite. Like you I do not understand why, but it is not a US-only phenomenon.

Comment Re:power level of a detectable signal at 1200 ly ? (Score 4, Interesting) 79

Interesting question. I'll try: we're just barely able to detect the signal from Voyager 1, which is currently about 18.4 billion km, or 0.0019 light-year away. I couldn't find the exact emission power from the antenna, but the Wikipedia page mentions that the electric generator has around 250W of power. Let's say 200W of that go in the antenna. Translating this to 1200 ly, using the 1/r^2 rule, gives about 76 TW.

That's a lot, about 5 times the total average energy consumption of the World, but not out of the realm of possibilities. So if there was an advanced civilization with a lot of energy and a very big, very directive antenna that desperately wanted to talk to us, we might just be able to pick it up.

Comment Re:French judges are a farce (Score 1) 335

Maybe you aren't aware, but this "farce" is already happening. The USA is extraditing people from the all over the world (UK, New Zealand, Sweden), for actions that are crimes *in the US*, but not in those other countries.

Also you're suggesting that French judges should be punished for something that would be sanctionable in the US? Are you a troll?

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