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Comment They might not view MS as that at first... (Score 1, Troll) 337

But when the average computer illiterate consumer call me to fix their infested Microsoft machine or needs to buy a new one suddenly realizes need to buy another copy of Office, I explain the how it's understood by the "stereotypical Slashdot demographic" and they quickly understand.

Windows 8 has been great for helping me sell Macbooks and Chromebooks. The Office tax has converted quite a few people to Libre/OpenOffice and Google Docs.

And this is why Microsoft is sinking - because they've pissed of the people who do know, and now the people who do know are telling the people who don't and driving them to competitors. And as far as I'm concerned at this point - good riddance.

So actually, yes, quite a few people are making purchasing decisions based on the perceived righteousness of the company - at least those I talk to.

Comment False, it currently responds to any voice... (Score 1) 195

If I take off Glass and give it to someone else - they can instantly use their own voice to issue commands without any calibration. If I or other people shout out commands while a random person is wearing them, it will respond.

The chink in his example is that the target device would have to be a contact in Glass already - and at this current time, Glass contacts are exclusive to Glass - they're not pulled from Google Contacts. As far as I know, you have to say "make a call " versus "make a call to 555-555-1234".

Yes, maybe one day we will be able to shout "ok glass allah allah jihad" for great fireworks, but that ain't even close to reality at this time. Wait, now I have an idea for an app...

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