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Comment Re:They speak of "copies" (Score 1) 96

My old license is "consumed"? I can't activate on newer hardware? Fuck that. At least when Microshit made my Windows 8 installation upgrade to 8.1, the my license terms for my original software didn't disappear. My system builder Windows 8 can be moved to any computer I choose as long as I nuke the old copy.

Comment Re:No relationship, not negative relationship (Score 1) 120

I can't parse this sentence. The authors badly needed an editor.

"Finally, with the sample once again of children with clinically elevated attention decit symptoms and with regards to bullying behavior only trait aggression (b = .41) was predictive of bullying behaviors along with the interaction between trait aggression and exposure to violent games did approach signicance (b = -.22) suggesting that highly trait aggressive children who also played violent video games were less likely to engage in bullying behaviors"

My brain seg-faults after "along with".

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