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Comment Re: Could be good, could be bad (Score 1) 112

> While Trump does and says some colossally stupid shit, he get far too much credit for being the devil too.

Disagree. The guy literally coordinated/cooperated/conspired (but not COLLUDED) with Russia to hack the DNC and release e-mails in a timely manner, his son met with Russian Intelligence in Trump Tower, he's caused the whole pandemic to spiral out of control, he's egging on White Supremacists, and he's been given a free pass by every member of the GOP. I'd say he's not getting ENOUGH criticism from his own side.

> Who has threatened to do this? However you feel about Trump, he has repeatedly stated that he will protect preexisting conditions if the ACA is repealed. He signed an executive order on September 24, 2020 to protect those as well.

Wrong. His executive order is a useless statement of policy. It doesn't do anything. There is no legislation lined up to protect pre-existing conditions if the ACA is repealed. If the ACA is repealed those protections will be repealed with it. That's not my opinion, that's a fact.

> What escalating police violence? In response to riots? Your statement is a little vague.

How about his twitter constantly espousing vitrol, retweeting Proud Boys videos of violence, and his campaign rallies where he spews constant hate? How about his statement during the debate where he told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" (their new motto!) and to harass polling centers? How about his constant Us vs. Them attitude that sounds like Rush Limbaugh from 1998?

He's not working AT ALL to calm things down, he's not trying to find common ground or compromise, he constantly hates on entire states because they lean Blue.

> It's Roe v. Wade. If you can't even spell it correctly, then I have to wonder how informed you are to begin with.

That's such a shitty response. You know what he meant and you KNOW the Republicans are trying to repeal it. Pence said it during his debate. Trump has said it many times during his Rallies. Evangelical Christans all over America voted for Trump 2016 just for this one single reason.

> Why? Are liberals too stupid to have ID in your mind? You need ID to purchase alcohol, many OTC medications, spray paint, cash a check, get on a plane, etc. Saying that requiring an ID to vote is somehow suppression is stupid at best.

You changing the conversation from Voter Suppression to Voter ID Laws. Texas tried to institute a One Drop-Off Box per county whether that country had 200 people or 20,000,000 people. The post office is being gutted by a Post Master General who literally has $50,000,000 in competitors' stock and paid the GOP $1.2 million for this position.

> Are you telling me that you're confident in this election? I'm not, no matter who wins. The amount of reported screw ups (intentional and unintentional) scare the crap out of me as those are only the ones that have been found and reported so far.

Shocking! Trump is TRYING to instill confusion and lack of confidence about this election so that he can contest the results Nov 3rd when they're againt him. Good job parroting him!

> The response would have been pathetic no matter who was in office.

Here's the thing though, you're wrong.

The Pandemic should have been a political Home Run for Trump.

Bush didn't blame Democrats for 9/11, he was able to get unified support by bringing the country together.

Obama didn't blame Republicans for the Housing Crisis, he was able to get unified support for relief bills by bringing the country together.

Obama didn't blame Republicans for Swine Flu. He correctly realized that a pandemic is NOT a partisan issue and was able to get unilateral support for his plans.

TRUMP HOWEVER, called COVID-19 a Democrat Hoax AND politicized mask wearing, to the point where even to this day, a significant percentage of this country doesn't believe COVID-19 is even real, and even more of them don't believe mask wearing works or is important. And that's done more damage than anything else.

I could also go on about how he didn't have a national strategy because he believed it would affect blue states the worst and he thought he could gain political capital by blaming blue governors (something you're doing right now, shocking!)

> Additionally, we have no clue what the real numbers are for the US, let alone in comparison to other countries.

Yep. All estimates put the death toll far higher.

> When hospitals were forced to stop all elective procedures, they lost 40% of their income. I personally know of three reported deaths that were not due to COVID19 but reported as such as the hospitals got $39K from Medicare for a COVID patient on a ventilator vs. $15K for non COVID patients. I've spoken with many others who know of cases like these as well.

Yeah okay. Quote some statistics if you think Hospitals are LYING about COVID-19 deaths. Everything I've seen is that, from the top down, testing and reporting has been SUPPRESSED to make the numbers look better.

> Do you really believe the numbers out of China? Russia?

No. Although I'm sure Trump believes the Russian numbers!

Out of Europe and Canada, yes. I do believe those numbers.

> Individualism is much stronger in the US. So locking things down just isn't possible. In some cases it's a very difficult thing to do legally even.

Yeah its almost like half the population chose to believe the President when he downplayed COVID-19 for six months and told them not to wear a mask and said it was a Democrat Hoax. I'm old enough to remember when you could believe your President when he told you something about a Global Pandemic.

> This is an issue to be sure. I just don't know what the solution is. Frankly what we consider poverty in the US is rich in many parts of the world. I have no idea how to fix this as there are problems with any solution I've seen.

We could... and here's a shocking idea, tax the wealthy more. We can tax offshore payments so they can't hide their money. Hold stricter regulations on parent companies holding nothing more than licensing assets in Ireland. That sort of thing.

> Again, there is no good solution here. Simply increasing minimum wage is going to cause more inflation.

You say that and yet we've seen record profits and record wall-street numbers. They've got the money to pay their employees, so much so that we've already seen companies like Wal-Mart and Target and Costco voluntarily raise their minimum wages to between $11 and $20. Making that a law isn't going to cause inflation, it's just going to force everyone else (the Best Buys and the Krogers) to catch up.

> Everyone in every party cares about the poor and disadvantaged during an election year. Then the politicians go back to there multi-million dollar mansions when it's over and beg for more money from corporations and special interest groups and submit the bills those corporations wrote hoping they would become laws that favor them.

You say that but Joe Biden was the poorest Senator before he became VP and Trump's corruption is FAR WORSE than anything we've seen in the modern era. Trump literally made the government spend $300,000,000 at his own hotels and resorts, bought pharma stock before Tweeting about how great their medicine is, and was literally shilling Goya Beans from the Oval Office. He's also handing out positions (like the aforementioned PostMaster General) to the highest bidder. It's disgusting.

And the Democrats HAVE actually been pushing for things the poor and disadvantaged need... like Universal Healthcare or at least a Public Option, or a higher minimum wage, and cheaper university. Meanwhile people like you make halfhearted attempts to discredit those things... like we can afford a $1.5 trillion bailout to Wall Street but we can't afford a few billion to give everyone Healthcare. Right.

Comment Freedom of Speech (Score 4, Insightful) 177

Politicians can lie in speeches, interviews, newspaper ads, commercials.. why not online ads?

I'm against lying, but at a certain point you have to realize that a platform providing speech is not the same thing as condoning that same speech. If CNN interviews a criminal, they are not condoning that criminal's opinion.

Or should we assume that Twitter Inc agrees with every tweet ever made?

Comment I’m in favor of Net Neutrality (Score 4, Insightful) 215

Some things need to be regulated. This is one of them. Hell, take it even further, they should be treated as public utilities.

All those paid politicians arguing that you don't need Internet to live your life... how about we cut you and your administration off from Internet from Internet for a few months and we'll see how well you handle it?

Comment Re: Good (Score 3, Interesting) 310

So you believe that ISPs and tech manufacturerers should bend the knee and install backdoors when requested by the NSA/CIA/FBI/KGB? There is an article about the UK looking to legislate required backdoors for authorities to use, spurred on by the Manchester attack. I believe Corporations can and should partake in "civil disobedience" in these cases and stand up for their customers.

Comment Re:What's lacking is a plot and characters (Score 3, Informative) 233

If you'd bothered to watch it, you'd realize that was a major plot point as it was the villain who gave him back the Enterprise, hoping he'd be just as reckless with it the second time around.

I agree that it is Trek-in-name-only, and lacks the heavy social questions and moral compass that TOS and TNG had, but that doesn't mean it's lacking in good plot and characters. It has those, they're just dealing with acts of war and terror instead of philosophy.

Comment Re:Is there one? (Score 1) 375

Disagree 100%... unless you LIKE the taste of fried frozen meat husks. They used to be just like any other chain, with a slightly different flavor. Since they started the "Never Frozen" thing, their burgers are up there with "Casual Dining" burgers. Their burger quality has skyrocketed and is easily the BEST of any fast food chain.

Comment So this is the moment of my Generation Maturing (Score 1) 94

At 26, I'm the first generation to grow up with a home computer, a computer lab at school, to learn using video games, and to learn programming as I grew up. I've always been part of the hip, young, generation and Google, Facebook, eBay, Amazon are the companies of my generation. Most were started (and most are manned) by my peers and I can remember the first time I heard about all of them. Now they are forming a Lobby, and it's only a few short years until these companies are the entrenched establishment and some young kids feel disenfranchised to rebel against their corporate and government and internet Big Brothers.

When do I get to start saying "Get off my lawn?"

Comment Re:More specifically (Score 2) 304

HK-47: Affirmative, master... The human informed me that a competitor corporation was preparing to market a product that would ruin him personally. He was most agitated. He activated my assassination protocol and instructed me to kill all those responsible for the competing product. I proceeded to carry out my order. HK-47: My former master was unaware of this, but the competitor was in fact an arm of Systech Corporation, my master's own employer. It did not take long for my master to realize his mistake. By then, I had already terminated 104 corporate officers. HK-47: Observation: While it may have been unintentional, my master's wording of his orders left little room for me. Systech was responsible for the product, after all. I do not know why my master was so upset, really. He was an officer of Systech and a potential target, but I cannot terminate my own master. I would assume that being the sole officer remaining, he would surely be promoted. Instead, however, the human chose to go insane with rage and attack me.

Comment More like a "bed that straightens out a sheet" (Score 2) 159

While it's cool and I'm always excited about new advances in technology and robotics, this seems really limited. By the looks of it, you cannot move the pillows around during the night or have anything other than the sheet. All this really does is straighten out a single sheet onto the bed... not very useful or robust.

Still, I suppose every technology must have a first step, even the automated bed-making technology.

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