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Comment Re:Spain == Turkey (Score 2) 90

People != "Tsunami Democratic".

If you read my post and the link I have shared, you can easily see that it has not been inspired by the censored app. If you read the whole telegram channel, you'll see that the there's no call to violence ever. But yeah, you need to check the info by yourself, don't let anybody, even me, digest and regurgitate it for you. Go straight to the source

No roads have been destroyed.

Yes, trashcans have been burnt. Yes, traffic has been stopped. Is that the threshold to consider somebody a Terrorist? Should Github listen to authoritarian governments?

Who are the liars? You should probably stop listening to them.

Comment Spain == Turkey (Score 1) 90

Github complied because it got an official request through the official channels. But there's something to note about how those channels can be abused:

"Tsunami Democratic" are being investigated in Spain (not even formally accused) for being a terrorist organization despite:

  - "Tsunami Democratic" organization asks all users and followers to act peacefully, as you can see here and every time they speak: . Obviously nobody has died in Spain due to their existence

  - "Tsunami Democratic" app has not gone live yet. It is only letting users sign in into the service. Nobody knows what it can do.

  - I think that two years ago, the Spanish government took down the whole .cat TLD because there were websites informing about a referendum that they considered illegal. The whole .cat TLD...

This opens the doors for the new western absolutist countries to censor parts of the internet as they please.

Comment Re:Not that close (Score 2) 65

In the article:

SpaceX said it would have coordinated with ESA to avoid a collision once the estimates got worse, if only the paging-system bug hadn't prevented SpaceX from getting an update on the collision probability. SpaceX said it is trying to fix the bug to prevent such mishaps in the future.

SpaceX recognised that it it was that close. And as you say:

the orbit knowledge will be, generally, very poor by low-earth-orbit standards

that would be a pretty valid reason for such big collision avoidance thresholds to exist

Submission + - Spanish military police held Google workers in their offices to remove app (

FumarMata writes: Spanish military police (Guardia Civil) held Google workers in their offices in Barcelona for a few hours to force them to remove an app from Google Play. That app gives voters information about the independence referendum to be held in Catalonia, a region at the north east of Spain.

The magistrate of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (dependent of the Spanish Government), Mercedes Armas, ordered Google to remove the application that explains how and where to vote on October 1 .

The referendum to be held this weekend has been deemed illegal by Spanish authorities, who have gone beyond the law to suppress it. Their actions have been criticized by privacy advocates like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange

Comment Worm all the IoThings! (Score 2) 68

Only a solution comes to my mind for this to not happen again: create a simple worm that infects and disables ("disables" as in "Kill") all the unprotected devices.

Yes, I would be pissed off if my devices would suddenly die, but if it has been that easy to infect all those appliances, it should be the manufacturer the responsible for repairing them.

Next time they'll implement at least basic security.

Comment Re:One (Score 1) 301

And how often would you want to connect an external drive at the same time you need to connect the laptop for charging? I'll grant that only having a single multipurpose connection point (like the new 12" MacBook) could be a bit of a bother in situations like that, but I can't see it being an obstacle.

It is a huge obstacle. Choose one:

- Leave you Time Machine Backup external hard drive permanently plugged, as Apple recomends

- Have your iPhone plugged to charge, or to develop

... or, you know, charging your laptop

Saying "get an USB hub" is not a valid answer, as it just means "get more ports, but buy them apart"


Did the Spamhaus DDoS Really Slow Down Global Internet Access? 70

CowboyRobot writes "Despite the headlines, the big denial of service attack may not have slowed the Internet after all. The argument against the original claim include the fact that reports of Internet users seeing slowdowns came not from service providers, but the DDoS mitigation service CloudFlare, which signed up Spamhaus as a customer last week. Also, multiple service providers and Internet watchers have now publicly stated that while the DDoS attacks against Spamhaus could theoretically have led to slowdowns, they've seen no evidence that this occurred for general Internet users. And while some users may have noticed a slowdown, the undersea cable cuts discovered by Egyptian sailors had more of an impact than the DDoS."

Comment Re:Source (Score 1) 255

If you can't prove that there are backdoors, you are just being RACIST

(Right! Chinese are evil, somebody told me that all their stuff is packed with viruses and stuff. BTW: Let's ban brands that employ black people. Those guys are evil too. Oh! And Australian products? I heard that Australians are the descendants of criminals... can we ban their exports too? [/sarcasm])

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