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Comment Anti-Evolution (Score 1) 748

I think this will work in the short term, but eventually they will catch on and just work around it. Just like they do with Norton now. With competition in the marketplace and new versions released at different schedules (building new locks) the virus maker hedges on missing or out of date protection (building new keys). With it built in, not only will everyone exploit the holes (since the lock never changes), but will give users a truly false sense of security (everyone has a master key). Then there is the whole "in order to make it secure he had to build it in to the OS and can't be uninstalled..."

Comment Re:Kinda pricey... (Score 1) 257

A few years ago I would have agreed 100%. Running a SW department with people with all different strengths I'd be fine to pay it. If I needed Android development I would have two choices. Hire someone new (way costly) or have a C# developer pick it up. My guys are sharp and could do it but the learning time needed would be far more than a grand. Assuming it worked well I can see it saving money for a lot of C# dev houses that have increased demand for Android/iOS apps.

Comment Re:The whole xxx thing is a joke (Score 1) 257

As it is the .XXX TLD is basically just a .com TLD for porn.

That is 5x the cost. .XXX is expected to be around $50/yr. Content producers are pissed because they will have to registered all their brands under .xxx to protect them. They can't really use them because .xxx will be far more likely to be blocked so all they will do is bounce to the existing .com site.


Submission + - Wikileaks sparked Arab revolution, says MI6 (rawstory.com)

EnergyScholar writes: "Former British intelligence chief Sir Richard Dearlove credits Wikileaks with helping spark revolution in Middle East, in an off the record speech someone serreptitiously videotaped. In previous stories about the Middle East revolution there were several conversation threads in which people asked whether there was evidence that Wikileaks had helped spark the Middle East revolutions. This is my first story posted to Slashdot, but it's safe to say it won't be my last on this topic. Interested readers should follow the phrase "disruptive compliance" for information about the origins of Wikileaks. "What sort of Hacktivist applications shall we write?" Indeed!"

Submission + - Firefox 4 RC Vs. IE9 RC: The First Duel (conceivablytech.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Firefox 4 vs. IE9 is going to be an epic battle in a reigniting browser war in which Microsoft wants its IE to be seen as a capable browser again. Mozilla struggled to keep the pace with Chrome and IE9, but is about to release the first release candidate, which is expected to be the final version of Firefox as well. This first review of JavaScript, Flash and HTML5 tests seems to indicate that both browsers are about even at the bottom line, while Firefox has the JavaScript edge and IE is ahead in HTML5 performance.

Comment Re:Good for everybody but the IT guy? (Score 1) 498

100 times this. Most users don't have a clue about security or why they shouldn't install every stupid widget they see on the internet. It's hard enough keeping this junk from polluting the install base and network with company hardware. It would only be a matter of time before you heard "I'm not doing that, it's my computer and I'll do what I want with it". Heaven forbid some of the corporate software pooched some other program.

The only way I could see this working is if everyone ran a VM. Clients are lightweight, admins can control the environment and in the event of termination it's a simple disconnect from the 'hive'.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 156

Ditto here. Not only was it cheaper, but it was far more intelligent. If that wasn't enough, the human voice mimicking a computers "be do boop beep" sound when it was 'thinking' was frickin' hilarious.

Comment Re:You explained it. (Score 2, Interesting) 591

I was just about to post the same thing. I wish I had mod points to give this. I can see myself watching my slow connection get saturated with torrent traffic but unable to block it because my co-workers need it to download.

That said, I think it would be a great idea if it was an alternative option, especially over those stupid proprietary download mangers (looking at you Dell). At the end of the day it will only take off if the end user likes it more which faster download speeds would do.

Comment Re:Canada is more protective of rights than USA. (Score 3, Informative) 383

I think what the article means to say is that "In canada, they're not litigation happy, and the courts have made it very difficult to get a multimillion dollar settlement for pouring hot coffee on your lap and claiming that it was the fault of the coffee shop for not telling you that coffee is hot... (and other such nonsense cases ... like awarding a family damages over the autism-caused-by-vaccines debacle which has been debunked by real scientists over and over...)".

I love how everyone uses that case as their poster-child for all things wrong in American courts. I guess everyone is susceptible to media bias as one point or another. Here's the actual facts of the case: http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur78.htm

Comment Drug Trafficking in 5..4..3.. (Score 1) 242

A problem that companies run into from time to time is voicemail hijacking from drug traffickers. They create an account and place outgoing calls from within the company. I can see the same thing happening here. If they want to get really clever they can jump their call through a few voicemail accounts. Even if a call was tapped/traced it would probably take days or weeks (if ever) to trace down the real source. Certainly takes the power of wiretapping a few notches.

Comment Re:Jack up the price? (Score 1) 504

I doubt that would work for a few reasons. The USPS doesn't offer guaranteed delivery on Saturday now (for standard mail), so people would only be paying more for the 'chance' of making it on Saturday. They would still need to maintain a Saturday fleet that wouldn't be much smaller than the current one but would carry far less mail. As you said, Fedex and UPS offer these services now, so if price isn't an issue the demand is covered.

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