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Comment Impact on battery life? (Score 2) 153

Transmitting uses much more power than receiving. This peer-to-peer method may play havoc with battery life in a weak cell reception area. I hope they are considering that ramification in the design and metering of the service. How much traffic should one phone carry and how does it benefit the phone holder? Perhaps a credit scheme for carrying traffic?

Comment A Use for Everything (Score 1) 260

Look for non-profit schools in your area and offer these systems for teaching keyboarding and intro to programming. These functions don't require much horse power or graphics and free (as in Beer) software and courseware is readily available.

Ask your local clubs (e.g, Lions, Rotary, Exchange, Optimists) whether they have a need for free office automation.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
