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Comment Cancelled my plan...dumping the devices (Score 1, Interesting) 42

I've been a RING customer since 2018. I went back to look at the billing history and realized it's been steadily going up while the only change I've seen is being able to view 90 days of videos. That was the only new feature I saw in all those years. Our complex put in Wyze cameras and floods, so I'm replacing my RING with a couple of those cameras. Then I can join the complex's SKYNET. Sent RING a GOODBYE FELICIA email with Linus Torvalds flipping them the bird.

Comment This is terrorism (Score 3, Insightful) 221

While there would clearly be remedies here in the US, Poland may not have them on their books. However, I think a case can be made since the train company interfered with a public utility that they're guilty of terrorism. I'd love to see some enterprising state official arrest the head of the train company and their entire c-suit and charge them. Instead, I'm seeing head scratching and shoulder shrugging. Someone should get mad about this. Where is Anonymous when you need them?

Comment It's Cory Doctorow's ENSHITIFICATION principle (Score 4, Informative) 76

Cory's been writing about this sort of thing in Amazon and, yes, Uber. Plus he calls Uber a "bezzle":

Uber is a bezzle ("the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it"). Every bezzle ends.

The full thread is here: https://pluralistic.net/2021/0...

Comment Couldn't happen to a nicer guy (Score 5, Insightful) 16

I've long waited for Khosla to either die or be rendered penniless by his own foolishness. I hate what he did with his little strip of Martin's Beach just because he can. The State of California is suing him. And now Apple is going after a project he's funding. Ultimately, I want to see his ashes scattered at Martin's Beach after his estate returns it to the State. Pity he doesn't seem to have any kids to squabble over his business and estate SUCCESSION-style.

Comment Re:Why are we even asking this question? (Score 5, Insightful) 214

I applied for a DevOps/IT gig at a City here in Silicon Valley. I've been doing development/IT/DevOps work for over 20 years. They said I wasn't qualified because my Chem degree didn't have the required 81 CS course hours. I had maybe 16 hours from the two courses I did take over the years. The job did not require development or coding. In fact, many CS majors don't know much about the infrastructure tools common in DevOps. They can build an application but don't know squat about setting up fault-tolerant infrastructure to support it or making it scale or backing it up. Do they teach that in IT coursework? No where else in my career has an employee said I wasn't qualified because I didn't have a CS degree.

Comment Re:Don't forget Florida (Score 1) 184

I was really lucky for my first book report in 7th grade, I chose myself. And wrote the report/review myself. It was the first book where, as I read, I watched the movie in my head. Up until then, it was some scramble of words. I must have hit some developmental milestone.

After that, I vacuumed all the Heinlein, Asimov, Clark, and others from the Junior High library as well as from mom and dad's library. And the ANALOG magazine they got each month.

My brother never got this and only reads occasionally for pleasure but mom and I were voracious.

Comment Re:No. Keyloggers, trusted cert authorities and (Score 0) 183

If either of the systems are new enough to run Google's Chrome OS, backup that system and install ChromeOS https://chromeenterprise.googl... If neither can run Chrome OS, consider taking classes in Adult School to learn more current software, donate the decrepite HW to a school to get a tax write off, and use the Public Library PCs. If they live in an area that doesn't have PCs in their library, there must be a resource center for Seniors that does. My mom never used a PC and found a cell phone to confusing. Explaining it to her showed me what I musta looked like when mom explained something to me and it went "in one ear and out the other". She had that look. Eventually, banking, e-commerce, and news sites won't run on their old systems. Then it's truly time to retire and recycle them.

Comment Re:and what if the manager needs the that worker? (Score -1, Troll) 208

That happened in my group when they laid off the only people who had access to the FedRAMP Government systems. No one had the passwords or access to the systems and it took over a month and an undocumented security flaw for a US Citizen to break into the systems and make any sort of update. And at a previous job, they fired the only person with knowledge and expertise to manage their ancient PBX. It was used to maintain a company directory as well as the phone systems. They had to hire her back as a contractor at substantial cost. It was just like when Melon Husk fired the person with access to the badge readers at Twitter HQ.

Comment Never buying Paragon stuff ever again (Score 5, Informative) 90

I bought a version of the NTFS driver and it did the job. Subsequent versions were paid upgrades but I waited until a major release. They obviously had to rework the way the driver connected with the kernel because Apple changed the kernel extensions system for security. I hated the new version and it crashed my system. Emails to support went unanswered despite being a paying customer. I found another vendor's driver worked, so I've been using them instead for years. I had to do a chargeback on my purchase to get my money back for the failed upgrade. I'll never buy another Paragon product again.

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