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Comment 1 step forward, 2 steps back (Score 4, Insightful) 652

The thing is, alternative energy DOES have a long way to go.

I was a big fan of the Tesla until Top Gear's review. It seemed like the perfect electric car: it can smoke most internal combustion cars off the line, AND it can run for more than 200 miles on a single charge. Plus, there are the benefits of less emissions due to economies of scale and a cheaper running cost. But Top Gear pointed out that once you deplete the battery, you have to charge it all night before you can use it again (I think the exact time was 14 hours).

So, awesome, I can go for a Sunday drive in a fun car and feel good about it. Except that I only have a few hours for this drive (if I'm driving cautiously), and once I'm done, I'm done for the day. So it's one step forward, but two steps back. The car doesn't adapt to us, we have to adapt to it. This isn't right, the next alternative fuel needs to fit our lifestyles or people are unlikely to change for it. That's why we need something that can be refueled quickly, which the Tesla certainly is not.

Comment FTA (Score 1) 526


In light of the incident, Comcast says it will issue a $10 credit to any customers who say they viewed the 30-second clip, which featured full male nudity. (SEE BOX)

I was unfortunately disappointed to find that the BOX did not have 30 seconds of free porn, but instead an offer for $10.

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