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Comment Paying for stuff in America sucks (Score 1) 175

I've been to America before and paying for any kind of service is fucking painful. The receipt has so much shit on it. Even when you go to a restaurant there is like a health insurance for the staff fee, tipping fee, using the bathroom fee, etc. Go to a normal country and when you get the receipt from a restaurant it's just a receipt for the food you were served.

Comment The point (Score 1) 234

Doctors prescribe antidepressants as a lifesaving measure. A person suffering depression has an absurdly higher probability of committing suicide than somebody who doesn't. In fact, an overwhelming majority of people who commit suicide suffer from depression. When a doctor prescribes antidepressants, they aren't rubbing their hands together waiting for a big payout from big pharma. They are doing it because they want the patient to not die, which is a noble gesture on behalf of a doctor. Antidepressants "don't work" for a lot of people. I've known people who have been on them for several decades and have remained perpetually miserable. The probability of somebody eventually managing to correct the problems causing their depression is grim, but it's no where near as grim as the probability that they would commit suicide without the medication. Antidepressants are like floatation devices for people lost at sea. You are much less likely to drown with one, but you still need to paddle ashore yourself. Some people just float there getting knocked back and forth by the ocean forever. That's a pretty glum way to be. But at least society doesn't have to deal with the weight of that person's death.

Comment This is bad news (Score 1) 477

Despite the attempts by the big brained and very smart among us to distance themselves from the ice cold hand that is pop music, we are one and the same species as those who produce and consume pop music. Pop music being a major facet of our culture, I believe this study reflects on us as a whole, and what it indicates is that human beings are growing isolated from one another, sad, and angry. That makes me feel bad.

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