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Comment This will never be a thing. (Score 1) 47

This simply won't become a thing because the form factor doesn't provide any usefulness at all. It may very well do a "3DTV" in that some companies will really push it hard, hoping it will catch on, but it will die soon after. The idea needs way more refinement. Foldable tablets, might be worth a look as they currently lack any kind of real protection of the screen that laptops have with the lid, but a laptop with a foldable screen just doesn't make much sense in the forms presented in the article.

Comment Ebon Upton is a liar. (Score 1) 83

This ass-hat came to our Hackerspace in Orlando, FL shortly after the Raspberry Pi launch, intending on selling us all the old stock - and he assured us no new Pis would be released "within the year". 2 weeks later, they upped all default Pis to have 1gb of RAM instead of 512. He's a liar, and a dickhead. He justifies it with the Tandy-computer excuse, saying that if he told people about it beforehand, it would result in lost sales. Fuck him.

Comment Blizzard, used this strategy... (Score 1) 80

Blizzard successfully used this strategy against a game automation tool named "Glider" back in the mid 00's. They argued that by running the game and Glider reading it, you've breached the TOS and thus the "copy" in memory was a DMCA/copyright violation of sorts. This relied on the judge and jury not understanding how computers work at all and they successfully won their case. Sony probably stumbled upon this case and is adopting the measure.

Comment Re:Again? (Score 3, Informative) 81

Sounds like FUD to me. No service, when provided enough attack area and malicious actors will ever be able to get security 100% right, but their core offering is to keep passwords safe, which despite this - they have done. Maybe sound the bull horns when someone has their passwords compromised. Until then, another day, another vulnerability. Yawn.

Comment The Metaverse Exists. It's called the Internet. (Score 1) 52

Honestly, what we need more than anything is an open standard similar to DNS that is tied in with property records or something similar. The internet wasn't developed with a motive for profit, and the "metaverse" (whatever that entails? My vision is that AR would be a metaverse of sorts, with information laid over the top of real property) cannot be either. Anyone approaching this subject from a baseline of "we need to do it first so we control it!" is doomed to failure.

The metaverse has to start from a point of interoperability. It cannot be proprietary in any manner, and must have completely open standards. Now that I'm thinking about it, it could be as simple as tacking on a TXT record to DNS which points to a server which hosts your "world" with some skeletonized baseline for how to view and interact with that world, much akin to browser standards.

Comment So how many years until Google abandons _this_... (Score 1) 23

They've already spun up and abandoned things so quickly that people know not to trust them with anything anymore. Why would I use a payments system, both as a vendor and as an end user, if next year I'm going to get an email telling me about how appreciated I am, but they're just going to shut down. Google doesn't fix problems, it creates them. Then abandons them.

Comment Re: Bitcoin (Score 1) 130

But they do promise insane ROI based on very dubious logic. Bitcoin is _deflationary_. There's a finite supply of it. Bitcoin is also designed to get harder over time, thus making its supply/demand ratio skyrocket over time.

It has an insane amount of advertising - this advertising doesn't have to come from the primary developer. The deflationary nature of it insures that those that jumped on early will tout it for you.

The ledger aspect of it is merely a side-effect in that transactions have to be recorded somehow.

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