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Comment Re:too late for that (Score 1) 208

Agreed. Note for instance that during Obama's two terms, there were several epidemics in China that never got crazy like COVID. China clamped down on all of them like a vise. It almost seems too convenient that Obama dodged a few bullets and just one totally gores Trump before he could get to a second term. Not that I'm a Trump supporter, mind you. I just think that it's more than a coincidence that COVID came along with Trump's antagonism of China.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Have the Democratic superdelegates ever voted? (

Lorien_the_first_one writes: Anonymous blogger Tom In Paine says,

"The AP headline read: Super delegates Help Clinton Expand Her Lead Despite NH Loss.

It was and is a complete fabrication. Another way of putting it would be fraud. Initiated by Clinton and the DNC and unfortunately aided and abetted by two ignorant AP reporters (and others like CNN) who didn't know ( or maybe didn't care) that they were being snookered and simply swallowed what was thrown at them. It would help if people who actually think they are reporters would check DNC rules regarding the use of super delegates. Especially since there has only been one time in the history of the Democratic party that super delegates ever cast a vote and that was 32 years ago in 1984. And even then it was to affirm the candidate who won the most pledged delegates in the primaries."

Do superdelegates ever vote?

Comment Re:Supreme Court did *not* say corps are people .. (Score 1) 1330

I know this is a late comment, but I like your comment because it reminds us of the way power is delegated. The people delegate power to the states. The states delegate power to the corporations. What our culture seems to have forgotten is the the people are still on top.

Now if we can only remember what happened that brought us here.

Comment Re:NSA aint helping either (Score 1) 177

I think you are pretty close, but I think that the real problem for the NSA is the possibility of real competition to provide internet access. Imagine how tough the job will be if the NSA had to get cooperation from hundreds of ISPs like they have in Japan. The duopoly here is very convenient for the NSA but a nightmare for the rest of us.

Had we declared the owners of the pipes to be common carriers and imposed open access rules upon them, we'd have something like what Japan has: fast internet access with hundreds of ISPs vying for my money. Instead, we have cable and telcos who operate on one principle: make sure that the CEO can have a few vacation homes sprawled across the world, send his kids to private schools until they are married and allow him and his extended family to live in gated communities. The members of the board of directors get similar benefits, but to a lesser extent.

Oh, one more thing. The corporations participating in the duopoly need to siphon enough money from the economy to capture the agencies that regulate them, except for the NSA, which in theory, can't be bought. Snowden proved that, but not in the way the NSA had in mind.

In sum, the duopoly will slow the net down, but it will also provide a few powerful leverage points for the government while concentrating revenue into a few companies willing to cooperate. Yeah, that sums it up.

Comment Re:Pointless Worrying (Score 1) 472

A farm of computers, eh? How big is it? Here's an article from Schneier that discusses the physical limitations of computation relative to brute force attacks for private keys:

To put it simply, brute force attacks are about trying every possible combination in a counter. Just to run a counter through 256 bits, You're going to need all the power of the sun for 32 years or more, or a supernova. Take your pick. That doesn't include power for any other useful computation. And then of course, there is time. How much time do you have?

The computer scientists of the world who believe in freedom will be happy to put the kibosh on on any code that permits side-attacks on encryption software. That is where the weakness is more likely to be, not the encryption algorithms.

Now I could be completely wrong about this, but based on the best available information I have, I don't think anyone is capable of brute force attacks against strong encryption except for poorly implemented crypto or really weak passwords.

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