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European Parliament All But Rejects ACTA 248

An anonymous reader writes "European Parliament today adopted Written Declaration 12/2010 which basically tells the Commission to all but drop the negotiations. From the article: 'Citizens from all around Europe helped to raise awareness about ACTA among Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) by collecting, one by one, more than 369 [of the MEPs'] signatures. With Written Declaration 12/20103, the European Parliament as a whole takes a firm position to oppose the un-democratic process of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), and its content harmful to fundamental freedoms and the Internet ecosystem.'"

Submission + - Millions Of ColdFusion Users Still At Serious Risk (

An anonymous reader writes: Millions of users of Adobe’s ColdFusion programming language are still at risk of losing control of their applications and websites. Out of the twenty two corporate sites originally surveyed for an exposed ColdFusion admin interface, only two sites have removed the interface with the remaining twenty sites still having the interface exposed. ColdFusion administrators must restrict the admin interface now or their servers will be subject to attacks, also placing their users at risk from uploaded malware. ProCheckUp has now released full details of this advisory so that readers can now see for themselves how trivial it is to fully compromise one of the millions of exposed ColdFusion servers. The advisory demonstrates how penetration testers were able to access every file including username and passwords from a server running ColdFusion.
Open Source

Open Source OCR That Makes Searchable PDFs 133

An anonymous reader writes "In my job all of our multifunction copiers scan to PDF but many of our users want and expect those PDFs to be text searchable. I looked around for software that would create text searchable pdfs but most are very expensive and I couldn't find any that were open source (free). I did find some open source packages like CuneiForm and Exactimage that could in theory do the job, but they were hard to install and difficult to set up and use over a network. Then I stumbled upon WatchOCR. This is a Live CD distro that can easily create a server on your network that provides an OCR service using watched folders. Now all my scanners scan to a watched folder, WatchOCR picks up those files and OCRs them, and then spits them out into another folder. It uses CuneiForm and ExactImage but it is all configured and ready to deploy. It can even be remotely managed via the Web interface. Hope this proves helpful to someone else who has this same situation."

Submission + - What makes a programmer “senior”? (

An anonymous reader writes: What makes a programmer “senior” versus “junior” besides his years of experience? Certainly part of that is programming skill, but that’s not the whole picture. Take the test and find out if you qualify.

Submission + - BlackBerry Tablet Confirmed, Supports Flash (

HouseMuzik writes: Betanews' Tim Conneally reports that sources close to RIM have confirmed the existence of a BlackBerry Tablet device, with a ship date by the end of the year. Previous reporting on the device was confirmed by the source, including a 7" screen and a 1GHz processor. The source added that the device would support Flash, and would include a hardware-based Flash accelerator. Betanews' reporting seems to confirm an earlier report from Cnet that quoted Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar as saying the BlackBerry Tablet indeed existed.

Submission + - NOOKstudy: Barnes & Noble Sneaking Into Colleg (

eReaderBen writes: Barnes & Noble has developed NOOKstudy, a free (as in beer) software suite that could make the average college student’s life a little easier. The software, which will be available for the PC and Mac, gives students the ability to download and organize electronic textbooks, as well as keep all of their notes, syllabuses, and so on in one safe place. Handy. And no, you don’t need a nook to use NOOKstudy.

Comment Re:According to US Senator Harry Reid ... (Score 2, Interesting) 369

That's an interesting argument and I'm hearing more and more about that coming out of the houston area. Do you have any links you'd like to share?

One of the foremost references on the Constitution. It includes letters and speeches by some of the founders about each clause. Beware the advanced language usage.
The link is direct to the clause in question with links the the writings about why the Senators are chosen the way they are. (At least in the physical text that's the way it is.)

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