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Comment Re:Not the first time... (Score 2, Insightful) 492

Just one word came to mind when I read the blurb on the CentOS front page: unprofessional. Seeing a message like that on the site of the developer of my operating system would scare the crap out of me. Commercial software packages go on hiatus sometimes, nobody knows why, but at least they (AFAIK) don't scare their user base away by making a very public announcement about an individual teammate.

US Supercomputer Lead Sparks Russian Govt's Competitive Drive 74

CWmike writes "Russia's launch of Sputnik in 1957 triggered a crisis of confidence in the US that helped drive the creation of a space program. Now, Russia is comparing the US's achievements in supercomputing with theirs, and they don't like what they see. In a speech on Tuesday, Russia's President, Dmitry Medvedev, criticized his country's IT industry almost to the point of sarcasm for failing to develop supercomputing technology, and urged a dramatic change in Russia's use of high-performance computing. Medvedev, at the opening address of a Security Council Meeting on Supercomputers in Moscow, told attendees that 476 out of the 500 supercomputers on the Top500 list were manufactured in the United States. 'Therefore, in general, our situation is very difficult,' he said."

Submission + - Are Compact Fluorescents Really Green? (

Mike writes: "Ever since An Inconvenient Truth debuted houses, businesses, and even entire nations have switched from incandescent bulbs to more energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps. However concerns have grown recently over the toxic mercury contained within CFLs, and competing technologies like LEDs and OLEDs are casting a shadow over the bulb's eco merits. An in-depth report explores the current state of the debate and where the future of energy efficient lighting is heading."

Submission + - Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter' ( 2

Professor_Quail writes: Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminum by bombarding the metal with the world's most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminum' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.

Submission + - Music industry thrives in an era of file sharing (

levicivita writes: "Zero Paid analyzes a recent study "Adding up the Music Industry for 2008" by "Will Page, the Chief Economist for PRS for Music, a UK-based royalty collecting group for music writers, composers, and publishers" which found that "total music industry revenues are up 4.7% since 2007 [which] corroborates what many studies have shown, that P2P actually increases music consumption." How is that possible? Will reports that "sales of recorded music fell 6% [...], digital was up 50% while physical dropped 10%, but concert ticket sales grew by 13%.""

Submission + - People Emit Visible Light (

Anonymous Coward writes: "The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal. Japanese researchers have shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals."

Submission + - New C++ standard delayed until 2010 or later

wandazulu writes: At the end of an article written by the creator of C++ where he talks about removing a feature from the new C++ standard, he drops a bombshell: The new C++ standard (typically referred to as C++0x) has been delayed until 2010 or later. What does this mean? No new C++ features like threads, proper enum classes, or hash tables. C++0x is dead, long live C++1x!.

Submission + - Carbon Fiber Stops Fart Smell (

SystemLogicNet writes: At the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, a group of people set out to try and find a material that would help minimize problems with odoriferous rectal gas — aka fart smell.

The tests were done by instilling a tube of 100 ml of nitrogen containing 40 ppm of sulfide gases and 0.5% H(2) at the anus of six healthy volunteers. They volunteers all wore gas impermeable Mylar pantaloons over their garments. They then had them put pads inside the underwear with a variety of materials.


MIT Electric Car May Outperform Rival Gas Models 457

alphadogg writes "Inside a plain-looking garage on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's campus, undergraduate Radu Gogoana and his team of fellow students are working on a project that could rival what major automobile manufacturers are doing. The team's goal is to build an all-electric car with similar performance capabilities of gasoline-only counterparts, which includes a top speed of about 161 kph, a family sedan capacity, a range of about 320 kilometers and the ability to recharge in about 10 minutes. They hope to complete the project, which they chronicle on their blog, by the third quarter of 2010. Each member of MIT's Electric Vehicle Team works almost 100 hours a week on the project they call elEVen. 'Right now the thing that differentiates us is that we're exploring rapid recharge,' Gogoana said during an interview. He said that many of today's electric vehicles take between two to 12 hours to recharge and he doesn't know of any commercially available, rapidly recharging vehicles."

Submission + - New Linux kernel flaw allows null pointer exploits ( 6

Trailrunner7 writes: A new flaw in the latest release of the Linux kernel gives attackers the ability to exploit NULL pointer dereferences and bypass the protections of SELinux, AppArmor and the Linux Security Module. Brad Spengler discovered the vulnerability and found a reliable way to exploit it, giving him complete control of the remote machine. This is somewhat similar to the magic that Mark Dowd performed last year to exploit Adobe Flash. reports: "The vulnerability is in the 2.6.30 release of the Linux kernel, and in a message to the Daily Dave mailing list Spengler said that he was able to exploit the flaw, which at first glance seemed unexploitable. He said that he was able to defeat the protection against exploiting NULL pointer dereferences on systems running SELinux and those running typical Linux implementations."

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