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Facebook and Wal-Mart Join Forces 127

Jeremiah Cornelius writes "Wal-Mart — the retail king of Big Data analytics — will be meeting Mark Zuckerberg for two days in Bentonville, to 'deepen' their relationship with Facebook. The CEO-level strategy summit is intended to bolster the relationship between the world's No. 1 social network and the world's largest retailer. Wal-Mart has been left in the dust online by the behemoth Amazon. An alliance may be poised to challenge this dominance, particularly in light of Amazon's planned foray into same-day delivery nationwide. The companies share James Breyer, who sits on the boards of both Facebook and Wal-Mart. Adding another angle to this, Yahoo's new CEO, Marissa Mayer, was elected to Wal-Mart's board in early June, while she was still at Google. Earlier this month, Facebook and Yahoo settled a patent dispute and announced plans to form another 'strategic alliance' involving advertising and distribution. The implications for online privacy in this series of relationships are uncertain."

Comment Re:Ubuntu hatred (Score 1) 685

I ran Kubuntu for years. It's still pretty good, and they seem to have pulled out of their post-4.0 funk when they couldn't push a working release out the door for like two years without fucking something up (yeah, that's when I left). Last time I looked at it (11.04) it looked pretty good.

I'm still staying with Arch. Once I found out how much easier it was to manage a rolling release system, I can't ever see myself going back to the "guaranteed to break catastrophically every six months without fail" release cycle. Honestly, that is reason #1 why I will not be going back to *buntu.

Comment Re:Take from the rich and give to the... rich (Score 1) 298

Social mobility is low. Full stop. Everywhere, at all times throughout history, those who break through to a higher economic class are the exception, not the rule. Social and economic mobility is higher now than at any other time in our recorded history. I have looked it up, thanks.

And if you somehow think that investing your capital in the work of others isn't a service...well, I don't know what to tell you. You're wrong.


Microsoft Patenting Celebrity-Shaped Bing'ing 123

theodp writes "GeekWire reports that Microsoft is seeking a patent on the concept of applying the persona of a celebrity to Internet searches, allowing people to see search results shaped by the personalities and preferences of Hollywood celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, and Jessica Lange. A search for an evening dress using the persona of Jessica Lange, explains Microsoft, would return dresses that reflect the actress's 'style and/or fashion preferences,' including 'color, fit, designer, cut, etc.' Your move, Google."

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